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  1. KimG

    Bowl 2 from the NBG

    I finally got round to finishing the other Bowl I was colouring at the NBG show, this is the one the Children helped to colour! (they coloured part of the outside) The inside has a very different character in colour to the outside in this bowl, being very green, but I feel it works very well as...
  2. KimG

    Latest work just about done

    Just a case of a misread Dino, we both just saw the word "Marks" and missed "Sanding" this is because for us the marks are made by tools and sanding removes them. If you have severe sanding marks it is possibly due to using a very coarse grit which has abraded a groove that is quite deep...
  3. KimG

    Latest work just about done

    The word you seek is Convex :) With regard to the marks, what Dalboy said, plus with some timber (Ash is one, your bowl looks a bit like Ash but could be anything really) regardless of how sharp you get the tool, you will always get a spot where the tool and the grain just do not agree and you...
  4. KimG

    First Lathe Question

    I agree on going for the most you can get from the start, the swing over the bed or a rotating headstock will be a key factor quicker than you think, especially if someone gives you a piece of timber that is too big for a small lathe, you will be loathe to cut it down to size to make a small...
  5. KimG

    Latest work just about done

    Nice item Dino, you have what appear to be nice, crisp transitions in the bowl recess and the lid. I cannot see much in the way of either toolmarks or sanding marks, so tidy finishing. The only thing I would say to consider for later projects would be related to the base, going by appearance...
  6. KimG

    First bit of turning for a while

    Very nice stuff WM, I especially like the platter, great design, really enhances the wood.
  7. KimG

    The first of the 2015 challenges

    I have got to get into gear for this too, I have an idea, but I really need to get started.
  8. KimG

    Colour complete

    Thanks Derek, looking forward to seeing your stuff ! @ Andy, I denib after the third coat of sealer just to make sure that I have as flat a surface as possible, with the lacquer I play it by ear, if it needs another go over then I will do it. I do use the chestnut three wheel system yes...
  9. KimG

    Colour complete

    Thanks Andy, you can use melamine for sure, it's very good as a finish, but spraying is pretty much the only way to apply it, wiping it on would cause two problems, 1: it would be a solvent to the colour and make it run, it would drag in lines and spoil the effect. 2: it would be next to...
  10. KimG

    Few new pieces.

    Very nice, I really like the Apple and Walnut, it not only looks good, it sounds good too!
  11. KimG

    Colour complete

    A few shots showing the bowl in the colour video, first as coloured but no lacquer, then lacquered and polished, you can easily see the difference the lacquer makes! I put up a few so that it would be possible to see how the colour blending works, plus a good look at the base which was done at...
  12. KimG

    Colouring Video

    Thanks Nick, do pop over to the blog where I have put up a couple of pictures of the bowl dry but no lacquer, you can see the colours better. I have finished lacquering it today and will put some finished pictures up once I take the shots, it looks so different lacquered! I bought several packs...
  13. KimG

    Colouring Video

    Cheers Derek, the brushes are these ones :)
  14. KimG

    Lucky boy!

    That piece of wood has visible ring shakes, which is why it flew in bits, always check for ring shakes in timber, even sound looking wood can have them. A hard lesson for sure, I hope you feel better soon!
  15. KimG

    Wood ID

    From the bark alone I would hazard Ash, but really too little to go by, plus it looks very weathered too. Need to see the timber for a better chance of an accurate ID.
  16. KimG

    Colouring Video

    Thanks for the positive comments Steve and David! :)
  17. KimG

    Colouring Video

    I finally got round to producing a brief video on some of my colouring techniques, I know a few have wanted me to do this for some time, but I only just got a camera suitable for the job. Please excuse the rather amateurish production, (I should have turned the heater off earlier!) I think...
  18. KimG

    Time to drop a few photos.

    I think you nailed it WM, definitely a legume of some sort at any rate.
  19. KimG

    Magnetic Sound

    Well, the top one might possibly Robbo, but apart from the fact that it would seem redundant to colour such strikingly coloured grain, Colouring Olive Ash doesn't seem to work to any advantage. I did actually try colouring a small Olive Ash box just to see how it looked, it was not a great...
  20. KimG

    Time to drop a few photos.

    Nice to see your work Nick, I like the box and very much like the Alder bowl, that is particularly interesting to me (see log cutting post!) the little bowl in the middle would possibly have worked a bit better if it was less square in shape and with a more constant wall thickness as opposed to...