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  1. gidon

    Spraying help pleeease - again!

    Philly thanks - just to check - 6 parts lacquer / 1 part thinner? Thanks Simon. I don't really mind! I usually like a satin sheen look I guess. Can't face taking off the lacquer - and worried about going through the veneer - already sanded back once when I got the patchy streaky look! I could...
  2. gidon

    Spraying help pleeease - again!

    Thanks Philly - actually that's what I've ordered from Screwfix - with 10% off it's only £150. I don't really have time to experiment at the moment so may just try the Melamine lacquer with the new spray gun - I don't actually think it's my equipment but there are too many variables with the...
  3. gidon

    A request for advice on saw purchase..... Again....

    You can't beat a table saw for reptitive cuts like that. I have the Record BS350 and use it with decent blades - but the finish from a bandsaw is not great. For me the single most useful feature of a bandsaw is the depth of cut - resawing for example is very difficult any other way (6" Maple)...
  4. gidon

    Spraying help pleeease - again!

    Thanks Philly - really appreciate the help. I actually wish I'd gone for an oil finish - prefer the look and think would have been fine. But as said previously stuck with lacquer now. I am the customer - perhaps that's the trouble! No it has come out ok in the end - the wax did a great job -...
  5. gidon

    How many are interested in buying a Domino before Xmas ?

    Eoin - no not really expensive - Axminster sell them in large numbers which means about £50 per size. But other Festool dealers (find your local one) sell much smaller packs - say £10-£15 for 300 5x30's - so not actually hugely more expensive than biscuits. But yes you can of course make your...
  6. gidon

    Spraying help pleeease - again!

    I'm coming to the end of my shop counter build - and need to think about finish. I sprayed Chestnut Acrlyic lacquer on the shop table and had a nightmare to be honest. I'm using a 3HP compressor with a SATA RP gun and have also tried a Machine Mart HVLP gun. I got patchy results - see pic...
  7. gidon

    How many are interested in buying a Domino before Xmas ?

    I was told by a few dealers that the tools themselves can't be discounted but the accessories can - I paid £735 for the same as Alex s - but with a pack of 5x30 Doms thrown in - but had to really push them for that - so Alex did really well - I tried a few dealers and £735 was the best price...
  8. gidon

    Shop counter WIP photos

    Good tip thanks Steve. I did Domino in slots for adjustable shelves in the end but might use your suggestion another time. Front glued on - used Dominoes for alignment: Wizer - I've gone Festool nuts - ordered a CT Midi vacuum cleaner today! Might sell it all when done so keep a look out...
  9. gidon

    Moving video from MiniDV camera to PC, HELP!!!

    I would second Mick's suggestion - I've used various editors and Windows Movie Maker really is a doddle to use, and free :). Cheers Gidon
  10. gidon

    Pin nailer

    I have the same oneand the holes hardly need filling - a little glue and fine sanding dust will make them invisible. Cheers Gidon
  11. gidon

    Shop counter WIP photos

    The most stressful glue-up I've ever done - and the wonderful Domino has proved to be a pain in the back-side! The Dominoes are just too tight a fit. PLUS - it turns out the clamping mechanism is not so great on the fence height and two joints didn't align in the dry-fit since the fence had...
  12. gidon

    Domino tips

    Very good Steve - I like the other vid too. Cheers Gidon
  13. gidon

    Domino tips

    He he Rob - not a chance! Cheers Gidon
  14. gidon

    Domino tips

    Tip 2 - adjustable shelves Got this from here: Great tip for creating adjustable shelves. And unlike a lot of jigs takes about 10mins to make. Rip some MDF to required shelf spacing. Crosscut to shelf depth. Use Domino dogs to cut 2 slots on edge from...
  15. gidon

    Domino tips

    Thought it might to nice to have a thread on tips for using the Domino since its uses seem endless. Tip 1 - quick clamping solution I'm working on the floor of my shed and came up with this quick way of clamping anything anywhere - I've just cut some slots in some 4" bearers. Not quite the MFT...
  16. gidon

    Shop counter WIP photos

    I'm going to use just the Dominoes and rest the shelves - if I get time I'll make some brackets as in above video. Quite nice idea on locking the shelves but not sure I need it since I'm the only one behind the counter and I'll make sure I don't go pulling the shelves out! Felt very nervous...
  17. gidon

    Shop counter WIP photos

    Tight fit is fine - but I'm crushing them trying to removed them! Thanks for suggestions - not keen to use the house microwave - not sure it'd be too popular! Might try Boz's method - good idea keeping some for dry fit. Was also looking on FOG and it appears it's a common problem. Someone...
  18. gidon

    Shop counter WIP photos

    Decided easier to start a new thread for the shop counter (see previous thread if you're interested.) Can't work out how to build this for assembly in my shop so going to have to shift the thing assembled! 1.4m wide x 900mm high (800mm till) x 600mm deep. I blame Tom and Simon for the birthday...
  19. gidon

    New shop table - first one finished!!

    Time to post some more progress. The first table is finished! I had real problems spraying the lacquer - had to sand back and try again. It still wasn't perfect but I buffed out with some steel wool and wax and it looks ok. The spray came out very patchy - the painter who was in the shop at the...
  20. gidon

    Image Required. Pencil Artist Required

    Screen grab from Cutting Edge Woodworker - he has a very nice workshop and remember it looking nice from the outside too? Cheers Gidon