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  1. SBJ

    Police Cruelty to Dogs - AGAIN

    No, no, no - whats wrong with you people?????? Whats with the selective quoting???? They are only dogs, therefore, you wouldn't expect a punishment that is applicable to the treatment of humans - would you?
  2. SBJ

    Police Cruelty to Dogs - AGAIN

    Thanks for clearing up sone of the facts Mike. Are you saying he got promoted as a result of the first incident? I'm sure that I read they found this guy after a failed suicide attempt after the dogs died. 51 weeks seems like a long sentence to me. I squashed a fly once, should I get 51 weeks?
  3. SBJ

    Police Cruelty to Dogs - AGAIN

    Well done, you have mastered selective quoting. What were the circumstances that led to the police officer to leave the dogs in the car? A quick scan of the posts above suggest that it's not clear cut as to whether the police officer is the one which had allowed this to happen before...
  4. SBJ

    Police Cruelty to Dogs - AGAIN

    Sure, its a pretty ****** thing, but come on - lock him up and throw away the key???????? I think a reality check is in order. They are only dogs, it's not like it was small children. I think if you really loved animals you wouldn't keep one as a pet.
  5. SBJ

    Sourcing Wooden Windows: Thermal Efficiency & Quality

    That's what I said. That's what I said. I've done the calculations myself - but I will either use the buildcheck facility or St. Gobern have a program called calcuwin (or something like that) that you can download for free.
  6. SBJ

    Sourcing Wooden Windows: Thermal Efficiency & Quality

    You have to be a bit careful with the centre pane method of calculation - look here - ... f=4&t=6591 to see it from a makers point of view (I'm Sainty by the way). It doesn't sound as though aesthetics are an issue? If the reason you want to achieve 1.2...
  7. SBJ

    Bi fold doors

    Nice job Mailee. Mike, I have used the Henderson weatherfold system for folding sliding doors (just checked and it's been replaced by this ... old&id=329). It's an exterior product and you will be able to make it weather tight. It's available in...
  8. SBJ

    Sale of Goods Act query

    I'm not sure that your second example works any better than mine. I would of thought that as a supplier yourself, you would be able to see the other side of it. If it was me I would accept the refund and go and buy the item elsewhere. I'm sure that, technically, you are right and they have...
  9. SBJ

    Sale of Goods Act query

    Drama queen. Let's say, you write an article for a magazine and it gets lost in the post - would you reimburse the magazine for lost sales due to the fact that circulation was down because of your missing article? edit to add: You've been offered your money back haven't you?
  10. SBJ

    Sale of Goods Act query

    If, as you say, the item has been lost in delivery do you rally want to penalise the seller? Sounds a bit tight to me.
  11. SBJ

    Riving Knives in America...

    My point is that as an experienced woodworker, I would be comfortable working without ANY guards if I thought the task warranted it. Understanding wood and machinery isn't necessarily a pre-requisite for an operator hence the need for HSE. I would also always use a riving knife.
  12. SBJ

    Riving Knives in America...

    The idea that an experienced woodworker/machinist couldn't use a saw safely without a crown guard is ridiculous. The rules that are in place are to protect employees from unscrupulous employees forcing staff to do things for which they aren't trained for and as such have to be a catch all for...
  13. SBJ

    The scale of the Universe.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I reckon that is just as obscure as the God theory!!! The problem is, our universe has only existed for 13.75 billion years, and we are limited to what we can see by the speed of light. We will never really know what's "out there". Such a fascinating subject though.
  14. SBJ


    Unless i'm not understanding you correctly, you are looking at a 3 leafs at just over 9 inched each rather than the style of door that wardroom linked too? If so, I think you should be looking at getting a solid core door blank, cutting it to size and lipping it with unsorted/joinery grade...
  15. SBJ

    Dancing on ice WTF ?

    Moose, did he not choose to go on the programme? How can that be a judgement on society?
  16. SBJ


    I've pm'd you Squib.
  17. SBJ

    Festool and Retail Price Maintenance

    I haven't got a clue what you are talking about.
  18. SBJ

    Festool and Retail Price Maintenance

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. SBJ

    Festool and Retail Price Maintenance

    I don't think that anyone suggested that you shouldn't try to find a better deal, but now you are armed with more information you should be able to make your purchasing decisions more quickly with respect to Festool power tools. No need to thank us for the information or apologise for saying...
  20. SBJ

    Festool and Retail Price Maintenance

    I was trying to give you some information that was hopefully going to stop you making a tit of yourself. I failed