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  1. T

    Price of Fuel

    As long as we can claim reductions for pot holes in roads. Oh, that may mean in Gloucestershire (and a good many other counties), we would be paid to drive; there being so many! Phil.
  2. T

    John Mayall RIP

    What a talent and influence on so many amazing rock musicians. I'm sure not too many people have ever been aware of him but we all know those who he nurtured. AND still playing till a year or so ago. He will be much missed. Phil
  3. T

    No Fault Evictions

    Just to put a lid on Rent Control. This was tried by the Wilson Government in the 1970s and was a TOTAL disaster as no one, sorry no organisation (as I realises Jacob thinks people owning property is theft) invested in property so it deteriorated. Also, anyone who has been to Cuba will see...
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    Potential sites for new mega-solar farms

    The connection is, Wealth distribution, not location.
  5. T

    Potential sites for new mega-solar farms

    Jacob Take your blinkers off, look around you and realise what farming does actually do. In any case, have you never realised that a field of broccoli is far less environmentally friendly than a field of livestock? One is a monoculture with no mixture of species, the other is a well...
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    Potential sites for new mega-solar farms

    Before I am really rude, I can assure you that I am not in any way grovelling, just trying to be a bit more objective that some on this forum. As far as 'Buying More than they need', Do you really NEED all the tools you have acquired over the years...? Surely you only NEED, 7 pairs of socks...
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    Potential sites for new mega-solar farms

    Anyway, we have strayed well of the subject and to return, while I am all in favour of wind farms and solar farms, my big concern is that the easiest and therefore cheapest site to develop are also generally the areas of best farming land. We are therefore in danger, because no recent...
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    Potential sites for new mega-solar farms

    Yes, Jacob, but the top wealth owners also provide, I think from memory, around 1/3rd of the total income tax take in this country. They also buy more and more expensive goods and therefore pay much more of the total VAT. These two taxes are two of the major sources of government income. So...
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    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    Better than too slow by decades!!
  10. T

    Potential sites for new mega-solar farms

    As usual, policies dictated by ignoramuses and implemented by non-technical (generally) Civil Servants. How do I know this? My oldest fried studied Classics at Cambridge, got 1st and worked for Dpt of Business & Trade or it's previous names all his working life! No Science studied after O...
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    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Fletcher & Fletcher I presume! Phil
  12. T

    The easy... (hard?) way - see this.

    I'm sure he's done a risk assessment and has plenty of experience.
  13. T

    Impressive or what!

    The power of steam is just awesome Phil
  14. T


    Let's be like the BBC and not mention politics today!! Some Hope! Phil
  15. T

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Thanks, I'll have a look.
  16. T

    Copper clad worktops?

    Surely, unless they never use it, it will get scratched very quickly. The thing about Stainless Steel is its hardness. Copper is very soft. Anyway, who will polish it every day!!! Phil
  17. T

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Padster, whose components do you use? I've never had much luck with click units as the seem more prone than twist to be broken by customers!! Phil
  18. T

    What wood for beehives UK?

    Yes, but honey bees get up later than bumble bees! Buzz by Thor Hanson is the go-to book on bees worldwide. Phil
  19. T

    Garage Shelves Advice

    Just got two of these. Much easier to erect than Ikea and do the job just fine. You might want to screw to the wall, but mine are stand alone and don't seem likely to fall over. Phil