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  1. G

    Melamine, porypropylene and PVC

    I think what you really want for the table top is a high pressure laminate like "Formica". I bought mine from a local timber merchant in Edinburgh (not much use to you) and it was about £35 for a sheet 10' x 4'. It is flexible enough to roll up for transport in the back of a car or they can...
  2. G

    Mitre saws

    I've tended not to use the Workcentre in crosscut mode much, especially since I fitted the dustbag but I think I'll investigate that option before I spend "more money on tools". I have the Triton saw, how easy is it to set up for an accurate 45 degree bevel?
  3. G

    Raffle Prizes.

    Alan, I like your tables very much but you left out the most important information " and tickets are available..."
  4. G

    Mitre saws

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Not quite ready for a £785 mitre saw just yet Byron, great though I'm sure it is.
  5. G

    Mitre saws

    At the start of the year I considered buying the SIP 12" SCMS when it was on offer at my local Costco for £100 + vat. After looking at it I decided that it was just too big a beast for my single garage workshop. At the weekend I was fitting some skirting board in one of our bedrooms and I cut...
  6. G


    I have one that I bought from Wickes for £30 (looks identical to the Earlex) which I use with a Triton dust bucket. You do need the washable filter though, which it looks like you get as standard with the Earlex from Argos. Otherwise these are about £10 but are far superior to the paper bag and...
  7. G

    Small Rant - Birthday Cards!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: been there, done that.
  8. G


    I'm not sure free air delivery is really relevant for a nailer because it isn't running constantly. A small tank compressor might be ok, the compressor will just have to run a bit more frequently to keep the tank topped up. Would a Paslode type nailer no be a lot more convenient, although maybe...
  9. G

    Triton super jaws special

    Forrest, thanks for the info. I did see the Superjaws at Newcraighall at the end of the year and I was tempted, even at £70 but if they are on offer at half that I'll shop around a bit and see if I can get one at the bargain price. Gary, I don't qualify for the 'Pensioner's' discount just yet...
  10. G

    Rate Festo circular saws

    With regard to the name Festo or Festool have a look at this. As far a following pencil lines freehand, the saw is designed to work with the guide rail system and, together with the zero clearance base on the saw gives a high quality cut. This is not from personal experience, I don't own a...
  11. G

    Triton super jaws special

    I had to go to my local B&Q warehouse (Edinburgh) last night, for some decorating things, so I went eagerly looking for the Superjaws. Alas, none to be found :( I already have a Triton Workcentre and a couple of Multistands so I'm a bit of a Triton fan already. I don't really have a job in mind...
  12. G

    My rusty LV LAS - UPDATE

    I've also heard that Canola oil can be used. It is a low acidity rapeseed oil, originally from Canada and it might be cheaper and more readily available than camelia oil. There is an article in Wikipediaabout it that says it used to be used in steam engines because it was not readily displaced...
  13. G

    just found a great tool site!

    In the consumables section you can buy valve clearances in either thou or microns...throw away those feeler gauges. And the permanent will never be anything else but ink. Genius :lol:
  14. G

    No 1 single the day you were born?

    Frank Sinatra with "Three coins in a fountain" for my birthday. A classic from 'Ol Blue Eyes.
  15. G

    New kitchen project

    Hi Sean, sorry to hear about the accident...6 weeks off makes it sound like a bad one. Glad to hear that you are on the mend now though. I think that the usual method of fixing decorative end panels etc. is to screw them on from the inside of the cabinet.
  16. G

    After-market circular saw blades - help!!!

    Not sure I'd go with a thin kerf blade for general use, I would prefer a less flexible standard blade. You also have to consider the thickness of your riving knife which may not be compatible with the thin saw kerf. As Brad says, CMT and Freud blades are generally well regarded.
  17. G

    Fast Show Woodworking Classic

    Woodwork my ar$e!
  18. G

    bench end vice

    I did the same sort of thing recently with one of the cheap Axminster vices (£13). I also fitted a wooden jaw and drilled it to take a 3/4" round bench dog. I found that I had to taper the hardwood jaw, top to bottom so that when the vice was closed the jaws met at the top edge first. This means...
  19. G

    Netto remote control vacuum cleaner £39.99

    I can see how an infrared remote would be useful in the workshop but the Netto is clearly designed as a domestic vac. I suppose it would be really useful to switch the damn thing off when SWMBO insists on doing the "hoovering" when you want to watch the football or NYW :norm: or...or...
  20. G


    I made my featherboards just like the ones described on the "About Woodworking" page. I used some scraps of 18 mm birch ply I had in the workshop and they have worked very well. The great thing is that if they get damaged it is quick and easy to make more and they will be just the right length...