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  1. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Can I pick up on this .... ? 40 years ago - I lived in Bristol. Not all that far from devon From 1965, to 1976 it snowed -- once. The gentle rolling hills of S.Devon are slightly different of course, But I will bet in the most recent 11 years, its snowed in Bristol a lot more than once...
  2. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    .... and got it wrong on each of the occasions ! Same end result :wink: :lol:
  3. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Precisely the point Andrew. Well put :wink: 8)
  4. Jenx

    Dirty Thunderstorm Picture

    They're really superb Byron, Cheers for bringing these fantastic shots to the attention... Wonderful stuff. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  5. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Excellent that you would then feel that this one hasn't, and the discussion is all good humoured and taken as friendly, Roger. :lol: And neither should a discussion descend into such realms .. we're all relatively sensible people, with the ability to convey our point, view or opinion, without...
  6. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Professor Stott's stuff is very 'plain english', and much easier for the layman to understand. He doesn't 'cloak' anything in incomprehensible babble, which definately adds to the appeal 8)
  7. Jenx

    A couple more boxes

    Beauties, once again, TM.... and for the half & half Ash one... for me, that works every bit as well as any. Your boxes are great ! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  8. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Not too shabby, lads... not too shabby at all :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
  9. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Exactly, Roy .... very similar to what I've been shot down for, on this very forum, a few times previously .... "Invent a scenario / convince the popultion it exists / offer a solution and sit back & take the plaudits " Its not in my nature to 'blindly accept' .... I'm...
  10. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    For anyone who may be thus inclined .... To read very well informed writings of a very well educated man, may I perhaps suggest having a read of the theories of Professor Philip Stott, Professor Emeritus of Biogeography. He appeared on the Channel 4 documentary entitled " The Great Global...
  11. Jenx

    Dirty Thunderstorm Picture

    Immense ! 8) 8) Do you know where this is, Byron ? ( I don't ... just interested ! ) What a photograph ! 8) 8) 8)
  12. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    It may be a wild stab in the dark, but I'd guess where it says "For Gill and other interested parties " Possibly :wink:
  13. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Not sure that that claim would be entirely representative or accurate, Jake .. We'd all be in a bit of schtook without the fantastic work of the research scientists over the years, would we not ? Looks like a good site StevieB ... I initially thought that the 'hit numbers' were relatively...
  14. Jenx


    The clue is in 'Directory heaven' :wink: Same as every other 118 number is for. 8) :lol:
  15. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Yo, Yo ! Well there is a whole pile of info available to read that says thats the case with the prius, yes. Loads. :D
  16. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Sad as it is, there is a lot of truth in that Andy.
  17. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Interesting point ! Perhaps that is how 'balance' is maintained, to counteract the increase caused by the expanding sun ? Its a thought ! 8)
  18. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    And "good views" they are too :D But there's no 'fire' ... 8) :lol:
  19. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    Evidently, yes. :wink: Seriously enough for a "huff" to be taken, possibly ? :wink: I'm of the view that the "loss of being taken seriously" would be a result of an intolerance of views conflicting with ones own, rather than possible or perceived inappropriate use of a colloquialism. But...
  20. Jenx

    'Greenies' .. The "Prius Polluter" truths

    You said that a minute ago, but then came back... and I am glad you did... you should do... you have much of relevance to say on the subject. and That, I sincerely mean. Don't disappear off, man. -- debate's healthy, well it is with me anyway.. and nobody gets all huffed up or...