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  1. Jenx

    Competition entrants

    I Agree Pete, JohnnyT said before that he'd be 'in' too... so here's hoping he pops up soon ! I'm sure if we look back to the original thread, there's more too. Come on the rest.... you'll be turning ANYWAY, so you might just as well enter ! Its a fun thing.. and there's nothing to lose...
  2. Jenx

    Another companion video - Square Plate

    Had a quick 'squint' Bob ... will watch the whole series later tonight... looks absolutely brilliant once again.. Have already 'subscribed' to you on Youtube ... these videos are just superb. Almost like having a teacher right there ! Well done and thank you, once again 8) :D
  3. Jenx

    Quiet Sun & A 'public thanks' to Mike G & Kityuser

    Reently, We'd been having a discussion where the subject of the Sun was part of what was talked about, and how its 'expanding' etc could be possibly having an effect on the world's temperature and if it could perhaps contribute to any warming of the planet .. Just wanted to publicly thank...
  4. Jenx

    Mahogany Window Sills & Facings etc...

    Nice one, Jake .... If you do get round to using it ... ( I'm not doing the windows till around 10th May ), and have a chance to say how you get on, and what you think of it ... I'd be real interested to hear. Thanks again Lads. Much appreciated 8) :lol:
  5. Jenx

    Been Busy... Critiques please

    Now, ... "Into the competition with you" :wink: :lol: Seriously.. be a great ( and very informal and friendly ) way of really pushing ones boundaries and capabilities, and ( although not yer cast in stone, dates wise ), we'll have a bit of time to get something together for an entry...
  6. Jenx

    Passport story

    Thats known as 'Going for a McSh*te' Nipping in to Maccy-D's .. buy NOTHING, and just use the "facilities" ! A well-known, oft-practiced, slightly mischevious act, which never ceases to bring a wry smile to ones face. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Jenx

    Stories of the old west

    Definately Second that G/O .... I hope your brother can be helped to make a speedy, full recovery and to overcome and crush that dreadul disease. All the very best to him ... Power of positive thought n'all... he's got another one pitchin for him here. Pass on my very best wishes. :wink: :)
  8. Jenx

    Been Busy... Critiques please

    Well Done Digazz ! .... the bowl is an unusual shape :D but not an unpleasant one... I like 'different', it shows individuality ! The goblets look to have a good finish... how did you do the wibbly-wobbly one ? have you an eccentric chuck ? or did you just 'crank it over' in the...
  9. Jenx

    Competition entrants

    You go for it, Tom.. fine by me ! But... I do believe you should be able to enter. and that you SHOULD enter too.. Set up the judging panel ( or is Duncan's idea of the 'everyone gets a vote feasible ? .. ) and just because you're the 'organiser' , definately should not prevent you from...
  10. Jenx

    Killing fish and Making blankets

    Nice one Loz ... !!! or nice TWO, I should say ! Thats a serious priest ! That won't be taking any prisoners ! great !! :lol: :lol: :lol: Nice job on both ! 8) 8) 8)
  11. Jenx

    Competition entrants

    <<<<boing>>>> lets keep this one up the 'top' for a good while :wink: 8) .. Roll up, Slackers ... still plenty of room in the cheap seats :wink:
  12. Jenx

    thinking of this lathe, opinions please..

    Into the bedroom with it .... :wink: :lol: ( I had a matchless 350 motorcycle in bits in the kitchen in a previous house... possibly not THE best move I ever made :wink: :P :P :P The 'Ayatollah' went ballistic ! :P :P :P
  13. Jenx

    Mahogany Window Sills & Facings etc...

    Thanks for that Si ... decision made then ! Thats what I'll go for ... will order i tomorrow, from the linked site you showed. Much obliged to you.. I was stuck to know what to do there. Thanks a million ! :lol: 8) :wink: :D
  14. Jenx

    Turning Time in 2009

    ooohh ! now those are lovely ! I liked them when 'Turn it in' Ian did the WIP pics ... and these are a pair of beauties too Chas... Cant really pick a favourite, one over the other... they're both great. 8) 8) :D
  15. Jenx

    thinking of this lathe, opinions please..

    Hi Steve ... the motor is mounted at the opposite side from the headstock spindle... So its right out the way of everything :wink: It has the variable-diameter pulley system, so just the two pulleys that vary in diameter through a really simple arrangement when you shift the lever. Its a fair...
  16. Jenx

    Hoover problems AGAIN!!

    Do you still get Kirby's ? They were meant to be the Rolls-Royce of hoovers.. haven't seen one for years ..... they were things that looked like they'd been built on the Clyde.. not a bit of plastic in sight ! :lol: 8)
  17. Jenx

    Two Tea Light Holders - Opinions Please

    They're gorgeous, Mark ... Hope you do the 'how-to' procedure ! Lovely ( as always ! ) 8) :wink: :D
  18. Jenx

    thinking of this lathe, opinions please..

    Good Old trusty FOX is in that price budget, Steve... I'm fine-chuffed with mine :wink: :lol:
  19. Jenx


    Everything Duncan says there makes very good sense. Especially like the 'points system of voting', if we could make that happen. ( I guess its possible ? ) Agree with Paul too .. we should be able to be pretty up front about where we should 'live' as individuals and the relative abilities...
  20. Jenx

    Responding to Wizer's reminder!

    Beautiful, Phillip ... thats really something else. ! I love it 8) 8) 8) Fantastic :D :D :D