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  1. H

    B & Q Selling hard Wood

    Probably not top quality and needs work but handy for people who want a bit of oak to play with without needing to buy loads or travel for miles.
  2. H

    B & Q Selling hard Wood

    It is online and you can search stock at store so quick way to see where you can get it from if needed.
  3. H

    B & Q Selling hard Wood

    Warrington store by burger king has some. Got a slab for a coat rack in the porch, £8 was 41cm by about 2.5 and about30cm high. Quick sand of the edges and corners, 3 coats of Danish oil and some big coat hooks and looks quite nice for no more than £17. Maybe not fine woodworking but handy...
  4. H


    the sander seems a good buy, is that the 3 in 1? i was going to take a punt as seemed good, i have a parkside SDS drill and used a lot over last year and apart from a stiff switch (from hammer to chisel, the locking key needs a hefty push) it is fine. As for the router, i have the Aldi one...
  5. H

    will these pinless adaptors fit my perform ccfs scrollsaw?

    thanks, will take a google and see what i find
  6. H

    will these pinless adaptors fit my perform ccfs scrollsaw?

    i getcha, i saw (no pun intended) a picture when googling and couldnt see how the cut would do anything without breaking the actual mount, then on the link you just gave that is the point!! will take a look prior to fitting :) thanks
  7. H

    will these pinless adaptors fit my perform ccfs scrollsaw?

    thanks all. @ Aggrajag : to change the blade i need to use 2 allen keys to remove each of the end bits, then try to thread the new blade without it going off centre on both ends, then fit to the scrollsaw and tension. if the attachments are not aligned then either the tension will be incorrect...
  8. H

    More wine anyone

    Another method is to grind/file off the centre of the forstner so the base doesnt have the pin mark. I dont know if this would work, but the other method i to have 2 forstners, 1 with and 1 without, so once you get near the end, swap and the existing hole will guide the pinless one so you get...
  9. H

    More wine anyone

    i had a play a while back with some cheap strip pine from B&Q, about 2" wide and 1/2" or so high to do something similar when playing around last year with the equipment i have. Not as polished as yours but essentially cut to length, 3 holes (1 for bottle and 1 each side), then cut the strip...
  10. H

    will these pinless adaptors fit my perform ccfs scrollsaw?

    I think they will as i want to go permanently pinless and not need to use the horrific adaptors any longer where you need to fit them to the end of the blades with 2 allen bolts that take an age to get fitted right and a pita when they slip during a cut! my saw will these fit...
  11. H

    Double Decker Jigsaw Puzzle

    possibly cut them along the main face first, then when there are 3 strips , cut each one along the long end. so essentially you will need (to complete the one shown)to make each of the 9 pieces, and then fit these to make the final square. same as Nadnerb said really, but there may be planning...
  12. H

    Plastic 'plate' lower than metal base?

    I have an old axi scrollsaw, one of the yellow ones. anyhow, the round plastic thingy where the blade goes through is lower than the actual metal base/face of the saw. now occasionally this has caused issues with smaller items as they catch when cutting. so is this normal, or any ideas how to...
  13. H

    Shutting the door once the horse has bolted... security tips

    CCTV is good, but IP is useless without a reliable network and for good quality is expensive. Homeplugs may work if the wiring to your house is ok. these can send emails if there is motion and upload video/pictures to a remote location, but a hat/scarf will prevent ultimate Identification and...
  14. H


    a routed round edge works well, but you need to consider the smaller cuts and if the round off will actually fit into the gap. but it is amazing how much a roundoff works. and i second the patterns, where from ;)
  15. H

    Lidl 16th Feb

    thats an idea, i have an workmate style workbench that is past its prime, not very steady though..
  16. H

    Ugly Pen Contest

    just did, the comments add to the humor really well!
  17. H

    Good youtube to watch

    Mike Waldt is another one, uk turner. his presentation needs a bit of work but a varied number of videos and worth a watch
  18. H

    has anyone used ?

    looking at getting some decent wood (ie not pine from B&Q) for some small scrolling and small DIY projects (well shape, round and suchlike), and this place shows up, but TBH i dont know if the prices are ok for what they are selling, or the quality they have!
  19. H

    small lathes - what are the ones to look for?

    Hi all, looking at trying a bit of wood turning and now i have almost got the outhouse tidy i will have room. the space isnt big, the worktop is 2.3 meters long, but this also has the pillar drill/scroll saw and dont want the entire space taken up. so what are the best smaller lathes to look...
  20. H

    americans on youtube

    I like the Steve Ramsey, all simple, well used to be. Seems recently it is all grrripper thingy, and a lot more tools that the average Joe wouldn't have. But then again, his ads have worked, and recall the vids were a main income source. He is probably making more from the mentioned...