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  1. C


    I agree with everything Steve has said. As I have said many times before, it's down to what you want to get out of your saw. For most people its just a hobby so the length of time it takes to make something is neither here nor there. With the less expensive saws blade changing can be frustrating...
  2. C

    Which scroll with vs is decent or better.

    Rob. I feel you are right out of order with your comments. I endorse everything Chris stated in his post. I have nothing against other scroll saws and at the end of the day its down to what you want to achieve with a scroll saw, what thickness of wood you want to cut, is variable speed going to...
  3. C

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    I feel for you and the problems you have encountered. Its all very well giving advice but If I had been in your shoes I would have tried the saw before parting with hard earned cash but the horse has already bolted. From what you have said I would guess the saw has been dropped and used by...
  4. C

    Which scroll with vs is decent or better.

    I think you would struggle to make a bandsaw box on a scroll saw, having said that you could certainly make some small ones. A scroll saw would struggle to cut through thick wood of 2 inches, which would be about the maximum thickness, I tried some compound cuts in 2inch pine and it was like...
  5. C

    Reindeer leftovers

    As an ex-sailor I agree with bugbear, excellent work as usual Martin and a good use of off cuts.
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    I never make mistakes .

    So you have moved as well Eugene. I hope yours went smoother than mine and you are settling in okay. My first trip with the hire van was to the tip and the hired help put all my Christmas presents on with the rubbish. Never realised till two days later.
  7. C

    Bathroom ceiling

    Many thanks guys, you have opened up a whole new world with lots of options. Will wait till the festivities are over and then its one new ceiling. Thanks again for all the replies. Much appreciated.
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    Bathroom ceiling

    Bob, your idea sounds really good, where can I get the ceiling. My son could put that up fpor me. MMUK and Pete. Your ideas, although ideal, are not an option for me. I am disabled.
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    Bathroom ceiling

    A week ago I moved into a property that has been speacially adapted for my disability needs. It really makes me mad when I see the way some people decorate, especially when they overlap the cutting in by as much as an inch. Hand holds are covered in paint, which I have removed and will replace...
  10. C

    Season's Greeting

    Happy Christmas to every member and their family's and loved ones. Still unpacking after the move and should be making sawdust the first week in January, getting withdrawel symptoms already.
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    Out of interest

    If it is heavy I would say it was beech but if it is quite light it could be obeche and I don't really like this wood for scroll saw work.
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    Nightmare bench from Axcy

    I have just moved into a new workshop and bought a metal bench from Axy. I have never known such a frigging pig of a job putting it together. There are 8 allen bolts securing the top to the legs and you have to be a catortionist to get the bolts in. On some I can just get a 1/4 of a turn with an...
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    Christmas markets

    I agree with MMUK. I do 2 craft fairs a week. People are not spending like they used to although I still do very well. I sometimes say to people that they are at a craft fair and not the local pound shop. My best sellers are name signs, I keep the price reasonable and sell lots of them. For many...
  14. C

    What your TV licence money goes on..

    I resent paying such a high fee for a TV licence to watch what is mostly rubbish. I gave up my TV years ago and every week I would get a threatening letter saying things like, we will come to your address when you least expect us or we are monitoring your area and we are going to visit you in...
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    What A Difference

    Hi Bryan. I to use the blue painters tape as it is called across the pond. In the main I use 2 inch masking tape for mosy things but now and again on thin stuff the bluw tape has the edge as you have found out. The only problem with the blue tape is that it is very expensive compared to ordinary...
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    Lemon Oil

    Many thanks for your post Bryan. It was Chesnut that I used but I will certainly be buying the same as you have. As you said, it gives the wood a wonderful smell as well as bringing out the beauty in the wood.
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    Steve Good style Keyrings

    A wonderful story of how the wood finally got to you and very nice wood as well. Beautiful workmanship as well. A very warm welcome to the forum.
  18. C

    So strange

    Mny thanks guys for such a huge response. I have speakers with a sub woofer plugged into the back of the mack. I must say, it did freak me out as well first time it happened about a week ago. I am also on Skype and I still cant get rid of it.
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    So strange

    Hi Everyone. I have an i mac and regardless of what I am doing on it, writing a letter, watching you tube or looking at tools I get this really stange thing happening about every five minutes. I think its an answering machine, a phone rings once and a ladies voice says "hello,' and thats it, its...
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    Special hinges

    Well done Pete. That is exactly what I would like for my new display stand. To have those would be an answer to prayer. Have you any idea where I could get my hands on some. Many thanks once again.