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  1. T

    Should it be a Van or Car?

    That's exactly what I'm thinking about doing although I intent to replace my car with a pick up anyway to take advantage of tax breaks etc. Cheers Tim
  2. T

    Routers and Dust.

    How about mountain bike spares supplies? Maybe similar size to bicycle shocks? Cheers Tim
  3. T

    How old are you?

    38 with a mental age of about 17 (and no plans to change that). Cheers Tim
  4. T

    Walnut TV Unit (Pics)

    Very nice - although its a shame that you didn't have a couple of bits of veneered boards for the shelves. Re wirewool - I have seen walnut react in the same way as oak to this treatment. Not that surprising since it has a high tannin content. So hopefully no water will go near it. Cheers Tim
  5. T

    Fan Extractor for the Workshop

    The thing to check is the amount of air either moved or fltered. I would be surprised if a bathroom fan would come close to moving enough air to make any serious inroads into dust management - a 12" fan maybe. I would opt for the filter everytime but coupled with direct DX as well. Cheers Tim
  6. T

    Sam Robinson - Rest In Peace

    Ray Sad, sad news indeed. Our thoughts are with you and the families especially your daughter. T
  7. T

    I have a question

    Maybe just to balance the pro T11 stand - possibly unlucky but here's a post I made the other day Cheers Tim
  8. T

    Worktop router buying advice

    A brief overview of my routers: DW625 which is great but heavy. Very powerful, poor dx and reasonably top heavy so easy to tip. If the fine adjuster is fitted it has a tendency to rotate in motion which is annoying and can be dangerous if it forces the cutter to stay exposed post plunge...
  9. T

    Library / study latest with books in!

    Andy The last one Cheers Tim
  10. T

    Library / study latest with books in!

    Many thanks for your comments. The green is rather polarising - I was horrified when they suggested it but I do actually think it works very well. The rooms are quite dark and if the green had been darker it could have ended up looking black (they definitely wanted green) or if it had been...
  11. T

    Library / study latest with books in!

    Long time no post - indeed I believe my first this year - so happy new year. Been away on hols and busy following up new jobs and finishing the library and study. 99% done now - just the lectern and pediments to go up. The more observant among you will notice that most of the books are two...
  12. T

    First pics of library and study

    Many thanks for your kind words. I have only just surfaced from doing nothing for 4 days which was lovely! There were some questions: Cashflow wasn't a prob as I take 40% up front and a further 20% halfway through. I have found that in general the bigger the project the more profitable it...
  13. T

    First pics of library and study

    As originally seen in this thread Didn't quite finish - probably about two long days short but the clients are very pleased and understood that the delays weren't through lack of effort but more by supplier delays and being...
  14. T

    Firefox 2 - Safe or not

    I know that Chris (waterhead 37) had a few probs with a previous update and that some new versions of any software have known clashes with other software or hardware installed. Cheers Tim
  15. T

    Firefox 2 - Safe or not

    Has anyone found probs with Firefox 2? I'd like to install it but not if its a bit suspect. Cheers Tim
  16. T

    What to do with 40cu ft of walnut!!!!!

    Out of interest -who were you using? Did they think that the 100% sapwood was acceptable? Cheers Tim
  17. T

    To our American cousins

    Indeed. Happy Thanksgiving. As a comedian over here once said (I think it was Eddie Izzard): "They left from Plymouth and landed in Plymouth. How lucky was that!" Cheers Tim
  18. T

    SU--Starting from an imported drawing

    Thats really useful - thanks Dave T
  19. T

    Width of shelf in relation to cabinet width

    Thanks guys. The shelves are 18mm but will have a 25mm lip. I think I'll experiment a bit but probably go for 2mm overall. There is a faceframe as well with a small lip on either side too. I agree about the whole shelf moving thing and try where possible to dissuade folk from lots of shelf...
  20. T

    Width of shelf in relation to cabinet width

    For removeable shelves I mean. How much of a gap should there be on either side to allow the shelf to be easily removed but at the same time not rattle around. I tend to leave about 1 to 1.5mm either side so that the shelf doesn't have to be tipped up so far that the shelf above/ below has...