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  1. T

    Timber auction this Saturday - PREVIEW feedback inside

    Pugh&Co Waiting for catalogue - if it looks interesting I may well go. Cheers Tim
  2. T

    Reclaimed Wood in Herefordshire/Monmouthshire/Gwent area

    Its hard enough finding reliable timber sources round here to be honest. You may also be aware of Pugh&Co the auctioneers. Their next timber sale is this Saturday. No catalogue as yet and the quality has dropped of late but I might pop along if anything looks interesting. Cheers Tim
  3. T

    Best place to get a Trend T30 DX?

    In view of our impending departure I need to a significant amount of work on our house. I will need to go back and forth between house and workshop leaving the workshop fully functional and so I need to get a second dust extractor with power take off for working in the house. Having looked...
  4. T

    Request from SWMBO

    How lucky to find that lying around in your scrap pile! :lol: :lol: Looks like it'll be useful - although typically its just warmed up a bit! Cheers Tim
  5. T

    Thats it - I'm OFF!

    Thanks Philly - I don't intend to disappear and certainly in the next few months its business as usual. Cheers Tim
  6. T

    Thats it - I'm OFF!

    Actually we are off. My missus has been offered a knock out job working in Genetics at the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto (Associate Professor no less!!) and all things being equal we'll be moving there in the next 6 months or so. We thought that she might need to go back for another interview...
  7. T

    Jammed workshop door lock -Help please

    Taken the offending lock apart. Problem seems to be the outer most striker which appears to be riding up the lock body holding pins and jamming. Took them apart and found sawdust between which will not have helped. Cleaned everything and gave a good dose of PTFE spray and all seems fine but I...
  8. T

    Jammed workshop door lock -Help please

    I'm IN, I'm IN \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ After some sleep and mentally prompted by my own comment about it doing it once before but actually being open, I slid a thin, stiff stripper blade in the gap between door and jamb and was able to 'walk' the deadbolt back ie it was unlocked but the bolt...
  9. T

    Jammed workshop door lock -Help please

    I have a dead blow hammer - its in the workshop!! I do have a 2lb rubber mallet though which was in the garage so I shall have a go tomorrow first thing. It did stick sometime ago but actually turned out it was open and just needed a bit of door waggling ie the bolt didn't get completely...
  10. T

    Jammed workshop door lock -Help please

    I can't tell you the make but the keys are Legge. I also can't post a clear pic tonight. I can first thing tomorrow though. Welcome to the forum btw! :lol: Cheers Tim
  11. T

    Jammed workshop door lock -Help please

    The lock for my workshop door has jammed. Its a 5 lever lock and the deadbolt won't slide ie the key won't turn fully. I have tried a bit of WD40 and also some heat from a hairdryer along with the obvious pushing/ pulling etc. Anyone got any ideas to get the thing open - trouble is most of my...
  12. T

    medical question

    The problem is determining what should or shouldn't be included in a 'free' system. You only need to contact your local practise nurse to arrange a check up. Its worth pointing out that a very significant factor in wasted costs is down to the patient population. For example, my wife runs...
  13. T

    Charity Woodworking Magazine Auction

    Problem will be that most of us have already got most of the mags that you are offering or don't because they aren't of interest. It may be better putting them on ebay. Cheers Tim
  14. T

    Face frame units

    Brimarc are the best source i've found for kreg screws. I don't use coarse at all - I use fine or HiLo thread ones. Thats going to be a heavy box to move!! Cheers Tim
  15. T

    medical question

    Personally I would see my doctor again. If he doesn't know what it is then ask to be referred to someone who might or at least see another doctor in the surgery. Hope you feel better soon. Cheers Tim
  16. T

    A tale about Woodworking Magazine Availability

    What other type of advertising would be better then? Plus under advertising guidelines, if there is space, publishers are legally bound to publish any ads submitted that fall within the advertising standards. Cheers Tim
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    A tale about Woodworking Magazine Availability

    As Nick has said, subscription is probably the way forward but (and its a big but) it stops new readers who aren't prepared to commit to a full year sub. The other problem as I see it is that most mags and forums end up being circular ie eventually re running most of the same stuff in slightly...
  18. T

    Digital readout for t/s

    Surely you don't plane MDF or ply? If you do then maybe you need the £70 for blades! :lol: :lol: Cheers
  19. T

    Has anyone seen this?

    Hafele code is : 406.99.100 if that helps. Cheers Tim
  20. T

    MDF construction advice needed

    I think that there will be no sagging of the top given the vertical supports in your design. What i am curious about is why you have shaped the unit to fit the corner yet your units protrude past these edges. Why don't you make the unit a bit bigger? Cheers Tim