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  1. woodbloke

    £5000? How to get a good return?

    Yebut BB, you have to know which Schroders investments to go for...some do well and others not so well. It's picking them that's the game :wink: - Rob
  2. woodbloke

    £5000? How to get a good return?

    Roy, I'm afeard that you're wrong about me being savvy with money...I'm not, but my brother is! I can't really answer your question (maybe Rog could) but my very limited experience is based on my youngest brothers advice. I initially went to an FSA who calculated my 'risk' assessment base on...
  3. woodbloke fat are you?

    Here's a good one from the Beeb. My BMI is 23 and I'm like someone from Papua New Guinea :shock: :lol: - Rob
  4. woodbloke

    £5000? How to get a good return?

    The problem is Rog, which do you pick and how do you know? The H&L '150 Best' is easy to follow and very easy to see what's doing well. I've got my money in a lot more than 7 funds ranging from Schroder Tokyo through to Blackrock Gold. I agree it's not investment advice, but the advice from...
  5. woodbloke

    £5000? How to get a good return?

    If it's for a long term (10 years) investment, I've put quite a lot into a Hargreaves Landsdown portfolio of their 150 best performing equities. They send you all the info and it's dead easy to do over the 'phone. I know very little about this sort of thing, but my youngest brother (who is the...
  6. woodbloke

    New Veritas Tool Steel - PM-V11

    Right chaps, to put you out of your misery :lol: if you're going to Pete Sefton's Bash tomorrow, you can have a little play (hammer) but don't expect the blade to be left in the plane on the bench with squillions of people'll be in it's holder in my pocket and you'll have to ask...
  7. woodbloke

    Walnut and painted WIP

    Good stuff, but the caul on top of the job in an vacuum press ain't needed :? ...I've done stuff as big in my AirPress, just lob it in the bag, seal it up and switch on the pump. What I do which is slightly different is to cover all the sharp edges of the job with a few layers of thick paper...
  8. woodbloke

    New Veritas Tool Steel - PM-V11

    Would some moderator kindly like to me explain why the title to MY thread has been altered? :evil: :evil: ...'cos I certainly didn't do it. Does it transgress any forum rules? Probably not, so why was it altered without consultation? - Rob...awaiting an answer Edit - as no answer has been...
  9. woodbloke

    T Track and accessories

    The solution to your problem lies here. The sliding 'T' bolts will fit the Ax track, but the threads are 'murrican, so Whitworth or equivalent. Metric knobs won't fit on the threads...annoying, but just use the ones in the set - Rob
  10. woodbloke

    Router Bit Hep Needed

    There's an article in the current F&C (p46) about using the router to thickness material. A three winged bottom cutting bit with chamfered or rounded corners is recommended and the one that Pete found ( ... g_250.html) is the bad boy that'll do the job - Rob
  11. woodbloke

    All change at radio 1

    If he replaces Steve Wright it won't be soon enough - Rob
  12. woodbloke

    Just another Spanish flashmob?

    +1...couldn't happen in London'd get rained off :( - Rob
  13. woodbloke

    Substitutes for Boxwood in toolmaking.

    I bought a netsuke recently in Japanese Yew...seems like good stuff - Rob
  14. woodbloke

    New Toolbox

    ...and I think you're right Ed, but to my eyes at least the 'good enough, wrong way round dovetail' just looks wrong. Again, you're spot on about modern adhesives which are so incredibly powerful (in many materials, not just timber) it's something we take for granted, though it's been said by...
  15. woodbloke

    New Toolbox

    Nice tool box Ed and I dare say you're right, but answer this...why do we build traditional drawers with the tails on the side and not on the front? The answer(s) of course is that aesthetically (in my view at least) it looks right, it's a way of presenting a clean drawer face (if lapped d/t's...
  16. woodbloke

    sky man

    If it's a Festool, I'd bite his arm off! :mrgreen: (hammer) :lol: :lol: - Rob
  17. woodbloke


    Having watched the 'D' day programme about Agent Tricycle (and others) last night, I thought you meant something else DW :shock: :lol: - Rob
  18. woodbloke

    Incongruous film casting

    I've just remembered that it was a Ron Howard film and his stuff is usually quite good...he failed miserably with this one though - Rob
  19. woodbloke

    NEW WIP - Regency Style Wardrobes

    Thus far looking good Rog :wink: - Rob
  20. woodbloke

    Incongruous film casting

    That skinny French woman and Tom Hanks in that idiot da Vinci film a couple of years ago...what was that all about? - Rob