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  1. W

    New workbench

    Sean, I did as Jake has suggested and have drawers between the legs (a plywood box with drawers in it) and there is then a handy shelf under the bench top for all kinds of stuff. Although I'll admit it probably doesn't look so tidy. I have abotu a 14 inch overhang at each end beyond the legs...
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    Birch anyone?

    The last few times I've visited Lanarkshire Hardwoods they've had some small pieces of birch, nothing much more than 3 feet long and in sections of up to about 3 by 6. It's a long way from you and they don't do mail order, but as you will only need some small bits it might be worth having a...
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    cracking piece of Oak Gromit!

    Mrs S, I have heard that oak does have a much greater tendency to split than many other timbers, and whilst I haven't turned any this is also in agreement with my observations on logs that I've collected to turn, but by the time I've got to them have been a bit too split. Apparently it's to do...
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    Wood Preserver.

    ... and check the label as well, you might want to avoid hand contact with the treated articles. Personally I would want to keep poisons out of the kitchen. Cheers, Dod
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    Just bought a lathe - what next ?

    John, Is there any chance we can tempt you into divulging what makes a good drumstick? My brother is a bit of a drummer and I suspect that he'd love a few good drumsticks. Never having done any myself I've never been too sure what makes a good one, although I assume that a fairly hard, heavy...
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    Suitable wood for turning?

    Steve, I'd say you did well to get a bit of hawthorn, from my limited experience it's one of my favourite woods to turn, quite hard and with a nice smell. I turned some holly reecently which I'd been given a while ago and found that came up really well. I've found yew to be very nice for...
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    using oils

    Phil, I use tung and linseed oil a lot on my stuff, it takes an age to dry btu it seems to me that it's hard not to get things right. Just don't forget to wipe off the excess after you've had a cup of tea. Yes, it does take an age to dry, but that doesn't bother me (although I've been using a...
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    Any use to anyone?

    Ian, pm sent, Cheers, Dod
  9. W

    Converting ash trees to boards - worth it?

    I would imagine that if you did actually go to the effort (and expense?) of having it sawn then by the time it was actually ready you would probably be very pleased that you had. Never been in the position myself apart from turning a few bowls from trees that I've known. Cheers, Dod :D
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    sorry, more questions.

    Chief, Pythagoras said something about the lengths of sides on triangles. Cheers, Dod
  11. W

    Is it legal/ethical to extract fine dust outside?

    Vinn, This would really be the same principle as a fume cupboard that a chemist might use, they extract the toxic gases outdoors where they won't kill the workers (usually described as LEV, Local Exhaust Ventilation). I understand that there have been some cases where these installations have...
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    Help needed with woodturning project research

    Alan, I think it would need to be something that has a purpose, and also a one off so that there is no need to worry about trying to reproduce an exact shape again. I'd tend towards a candlestick holder or perhaps a lamp stand, although as Paul said round parts for a furniture project (a set...
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    Safety glasses/visor

    Dave, As with Hans, I wear a face shield whilst I'm roughing stuff out, especially if it still has bark on or is an odd shape. I usually take it off when things calm down a bit. Cheers, Dod
  14. W

    Adirondack Style Chair and a Bench

    Lee, I too particularly like the chair. I made one myself from cheap pine some years ago and as far as I'm aware it's still on the go (if a little wobbly now). My only problem with it was it's size (it was donated locally when we moved house), your's looks rather more compact (probably a...
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    J's Part 1 Final Submission

    J, It is clear from this that you know exactly what you are hoping to do and why you are doing it. It's not necessarially the case for most of the entries I've looked at so far. As far as a design competition goes I'd say that was a very major benefit. If the doing is done with the same...
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    Byron Black Workbench [Beginner] Final Submission [Complete]

    Byron, My recently completed bench is of similar construction, a thinner top (2 inches) with slightly bigger end caps (a bit over 3 inches?). I joined them to the top with what I consider to be a complete cheat type of "breadboard" end. A slot routed in each and a ply tongue glued into the...
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    splitting wood

    Johnluc, I agree with Paul, sealing the ends but not splitting the logs seems to be little more than delaying the inevitable (although my experience is limited). Some stuff can be done with whole logs, although I think probably usually in smaller diameter than yours and quite possibly turned...
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    Drying wood with a microwave

    I have tried drying a large rough turned blank in a microwave, although it had been air drying for a while and I was getting bored of waiting. I did as TEP suggests, a short go on defrost (10 or 20 seconds) about every half hour or so (basically whenever I remembered) with fairly regular...
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    Just how reliable are Polyurethane Wood Adhesives?

    I believe that it is indeed a real thing, it might be known as a sensitiser (although that could be something else all together). Also remember that the more you use something the more likely it is to be able to cause problems to you. These are dangerous chemcals afterall, albeit in very small...
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    Waterproofing vases

    I think Bob may be on to something. You might even be able to press the fibreglass onto the inside of the vase by inflating a balloon inside it as the resin cures. It's good enough to make boats..... Cheers, Dod