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  1. W

    First attempt at turning

    You'll have to keep quiet about that bit or else you'll have us all rumbled :D
  2. W

    Small chest of drawers

    Hi Philipp, A lovely piece indeed. Mike - I suspect that this is what we would call a Wild Service Tree (lobed leaves a little bit like oak and red/orange (apparently edible) berries. Other similar species (well Sorbus anyway) that you might be more familiar with are the Whitebeam and the...
  3. W

    Which metal detector? - Horror Pics!!

    So, I saw the first picture and thought "what a lovely bit of colour, there must be some iron in there". The second picture made me think you should set what's left in coloured epoxy and finish it, it's a very unusual thing to find in a bowl. I now have a much better appreciateion of why...
  4. W

    black & white present

    Cornucopia, Thats a very striking piece, no doubt one to be chuffed about. I recall seeing some of the artists pieces a while back and just thinking "How?". I wondered if you might be prepared to indulge me (and no doubt everybody else who's dying to ask) the basics of how you did it. It...
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    Clothes stand

    doesn't the floor work quite well though, although I suppose it's not exactly hanging is it :D Dod
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    Filling knots ?

    what about the wax filler stuff?
  7. W


    Hi Alie, The bigger the better. I think TEP is about spot on. Cheers, Dod
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    Using a deeper side rail, or perhaps better still a double side rail, might make the structure more rigid. You could still use the same connection methods I would imagine. Dod
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    New addition to the workshop

    Wizer, it sounds like you're in need of a pack of fox hounds :D
  10. W

    A New Hall Table Project FINISHED

    So presumably the cunning plan for the top is for it to be a normal table top with breadboard ends, just with the grain going the opposite way to how it might normally be laid out. I would have thought that the end battens would be able to keep such a short "top" flat with little difficulty...
  11. W

    Philip Hearsey style desk

    Gillian, I think it's only one part of the design that is being copied, although admittedly the leaning legs bit does virtually define these tables (or at least the ones I've seen pictures of). Personally I suspect that I would like the look of the top that Phil is proposing more than any of...
  12. W

    Finishing oil - Axminster or Sainsburys?

    Hi David, I think you'll find that the Chestnut Food safe oil and the mineral oil are one and the same, although I have a feeling that most pharmacists will probably only sell small quantities of mineral oil because they think that there are better alternatives (to a rather different problem)...
  13. W

    Liberon finishing oil - food safe?

    Hi Rob, Beeing a bit of a geek, curiosity got the better of me. It turns out that linseed oil might be a skin irritant (see), and actually a lot of suppliers don't consider it to require classification (see). So it might not actually be very poisonous at all, but it's really not going to be a...
  14. W

    Pencil and paper

    Personally, I think I'd rather use paper and pencil, but there are just so many conveniences, like, as Mailee says, getting all of your dimensions spot on so that you can see how everything will look and from a variety of different viewpoints. Anyway, those pictures of Dave's are great :D You...
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    got some logs

    Hi DW, I've found that endgrain bowls work best with wet wood, as they tend to suffer from less distortion whilst drying. Personally, I'd be tempted to take soem of the larger sections and split them down the middle, working with lengths that are as long as you can reasonably manage. They'll...
  16. W

    Problem solved??

    Paul, Glad to hear you got it sorted, I had wondered if there could have been bits of finish on the top surface, although in this case it seems that wasn't the problem. I usually try to put a piece of newspaper over the bed when I'm applying a finish to stop this, when I remember :D Cheers, Dod
  17. W

    Have your say

    Hi Philip, I'm sure you'll wish you hadn't offered, some of the "non turning" stuff you do does look great, as I see it perhaps more important than the turning in some cases. I'm not very local to Yorkshire, but it is a nice place for a visit, so maybe I'll try to take you up on the offer at...
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    no chainsaw - lots of logs !

    Hi Loz, I've had reasonable success at mutilating logs and stuff without the aid of a chainsaw. I usually use wedges and a lump hammer to split stuff down the middle, although this definately works best for short sections. The cross cutting I tend to do with a bow saw (if you get your finger...
  19. W

    Liberon finishing oil - food safe?

    If I was after a "food safe" finish I'd tend to go for the Chestnut one of the same name, although I think you get a better finish from e.g. tung oil. I know that tung oil is claimed to be non-toxic, whereas linseed is labelled as harmful (covers a multitude of sins and might just mean don't...
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    Kitchen Table finished in Sam Maloof's Mixture

    Hi Rod, You got a great finish on that table, but I'm not sure that I understand why the mixed oils are better than just oil on it's own. Do you think that it has resulted in a superior product, and if so why? I've had a go at similar before but just tend to use a single oil these days...