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  1. M

    Accurate Mortice & Tenon Joints for floor standing lamp?

    Hello all - I don't post very much on these forums but read them often, and find them a great source of ideas and inspiration! Thanks to all for making this such a great site :D I was hoping someone could give me some advice on making mortice & tenon joints for a standard lamp I'm making as a...
  2. M

    Router bits sticking in collett

    If only SDA! Unfortunately I spent most of today digging holes (for posts), concreting them in and drilling holes for the new decking I'm putting down. In a few weeks time I'll be doing the lounging so it should all be worth it :D ...I just hope the weather keeps up. But at least my sliding...
  3. M

    CD racks

    Square, Try Isaac Lord: For some reason they list this stuff under the "Drawer Slides" section. Hope that helps. Martin.
  4. M

    Finish for turned sycamore

    matstro, Thanks for the advice - that's exactly the kind of thing that worries me, so I think I will seal it after all. Perhaps need to discuss with her exactly what she means by "natural finish". I think she's perhaps more worried about the finish adding colour to the peice (which I suppose...
  5. M

    Finish for turned sycamore

    Hello all, I'm just about to embark on a turned project in Sycamore - a standard lamp for my Mum :). She wants the finish to be left as natural as possible - e.g. just a wax - and to that end is abit concerned about me putting a sealer on before finishing. I normally use a cellulose sanding...
  6. M

    Let's hear some excuses then (the poll on table saw safety)

    I have to confess at being one of the jokers that removed both (and voted in the poll), but my excuse is more to do with the tablesaw being a bit crap in the first place than any lack of safety on my part. I always stand to one side (never in front of what could be thrown back), and as John...
  7. M

    clamps or cramps

    The Encarta WD definition of Cramp comes out as: "an adjustable clamp for temporarily holding or pressing objects together" whilst the definition for Clamp is... "holding device: a mechanical device with movable jaws used to hold two things firmly together or one object firmly in position" I...
  8. M

    NPJ130 NuTool Portable Thicknesser

    Nice one :D Couldn't agree more.
  9. M

    has any one used one of these

    I think you two should agree to disagree and leave it at that. You both have valid opinions IMHO, but this thread is in danger of getting off topic, which is woodwork (which let's not forget is the reason we're all here contributing to this site). I sentence you both to 2 hours hard labour in...
  10. M

    NPJ130 NuTool Portable Thicknesser

    Hi elvch01, That man Norm has a lot to answer for - my longing for a thicknesser all these years has a lot to do with him and his workshop, not to mention a number of other toys (..err tools) I've acquired over the years :wink: . I guess it's about quality, and I agree that quality doesn't...
  11. M

    NPJ130 NuTool Portable Thicknesser

    elvch01, I take it that you passed the peice through the jointer before the thicknesser? i.e. the thicknesser will just copy the edge that's face down when it passes through the cutters, so if the peice has any twist or warp, it will just get copied to the opposite face. Just a thought. On...
  12. M

    has any one used one of these

    I have to agree with Steve on this one - I'm all for gizmos, particularly if they make a difficult/complex job easier (and my workshop has a fair number of them already :wink: ), but IMHO the jig in question is a bit of a rip off. Surely you can make something that is equally effective (but...
  13. M

    bessey clamps

    I believe APTC = Axminster Power Tool Company...
  14. M

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    Evening all! I bought an Accuset compressor + brad nailer about 2 yrs ago and have had no problems with it (btw: Accuset is from the same company that produce Senco nailers). It was about £260 at the time, and as I recall you couldn't get the sub-£100 nailer kits that you can find today...
  15. M

    "Full Extention" Drawer Slides

    Hi Tom, I'd also take alook at - they have a wide range of fixtures & fittings (including full width drawer slides I think) that you can order online. The only downside is the postage charge (at around £7.50), which makes it expensive if you're only buying a few...
  16. M

    Budget Workshop machinery

    I'll second that! Martin.
  17. M

    Budget Workshop machinery

    Eh hum! Circular saws have their place I think - before I got my (cheap and noisy) table saw it was only thing I had - and my workshop isn't big enough to put large sheets over the saw bench anyway, so the circular saw still gets a look in these days. (it's a Bosch by the way). As for timber...
  18. M

    Budget Workshop machinery

    Hi James, I'm sure there are lots of us around (at least judging by the number of circular saws I hear running in the neighbourhood every weekend). I've been tinkering around for years, but don't get to spend as much time in the workshop as I'd like (work and a bunch of other distractions get...
  19. M

    Budget Workshop machinery

    Hi Pete, [And hello to the rest of the forum - my first post - I've been one of the "silent members" up till now] My advice would be to decide on which machines you want/need and in which order, and then buy the best you can afford - in that order (which may mean buying only one). This is...