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  1. I

    have you heard of saw stop?

    Scrit wrote: The blade is acting as a capacitance sensor to distinguish between different materials (is that the same as an RCD works - I'm not sure?). Sensing electronics set the threshold at which a high current pulse melts a fuse wire (literally a 'hair' trigger that restrains a spring...
  2. I

    Health Warning

    Tsk!.. that'll teach you not to go working naked from the waist down! :shock: :lol: Ike
  3. I

    I've got P/T trouble (not a typo)

    Maybe check the blade height off the outfeed table. Chances are they might be a little bit too proud. Blades should drag a straightedge about 3mm along the outfeed table but no more. Ike
  4. I

    have you heard of saw stop?

    According to their own guff a replacement 'cartridge' is 80 bucks or so. Dunno if the blade would survive intact with all it's teeth after jamming a lump of metal into it though. What I wondered is how it was tested and calibrated - on animal parts, pigs trotters maybe?, or with a very brave...
  5. I

    have you heard of saw stop?

    They make a unit specifically for dado blades. Ike
  6. I

    Bulding arhcway

    Yup, I'd go with ply arches with noggins between. Staple Expamet on faces for direct plastering (or fix plasterboard). Ike
  7. I

    Thicknesser accuracy

    Out of curiosity Neil, what are you making that requires an accuracy of less than 0.1mm over 125mm width? Surely a 10 second lick with a piece of sandpaper will lose that much? Ike
  8. I

    Planer Blade Setting Device - Method Tools

    I use a 12" steel rule - saves sharpening a pencil. Takes me maybe 5-10 minutes tops, per blade. Ike
  9. I

    USER NAMES?????

    Ike is a nickname gotten when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. Reference a similarity in my haircut at the time to that of a former president of the United States. My real name is a Russian name as are those of my brothers and sisters. Neither parent is Russian or a communist. :)
  10. I

    Creosote substitute

    Creosote was made by distilling coal tar - the by-product from the coke oven. Although its demise whiffs of the nanny state, it was a pretty horrendous chemical cocktail to spread liberally around the environment Ike
  11. I

    BAD day!!!

    Good for you. Surprising outcome. I ordered a rather expensive (400 + squid) Suunto D6 dive computer from Jersey t'other day. Despite being R.M Special Delivery 'Next Day', it has taken 10 days to finally "extract" my parcel from Royal Mail this morning, after seemingly endless phone calls...
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    Garden gate

    I second what Nick suggests. As an aside, how will the gate be supported vertically ? Ike
  13. I

    Anti Gravity Turned Chalices????

    Maybe they're glued up beforehand like pencils with a stiffener wire up the middle? Ike (clutching at stems...I mean straws).
  14. I

    3D design packages that won't break the bank.

    If anyone does use or wants to try Rhino and has any problems or questions with it, I'd be more than happy to assist as I use Rhino for work. Feel free to PM me to grab my attention. Builderchad wrote: Rhino excels for modelling organic shapes. One reason why its a tool of choice for...
  15. I

    Lust after infill planes?

    Only the people that buy them. Personally I'd order a Veritas, and then buy a nice car with the change. Ike
  16. I

    Infill component planes...designed & manufactured by Hol

    Erm, yes please!. Shall I PM you the details? I don't know what the going rates are, but do you do mates rates for UKWorkshop membership like? :twisted:
  17. I

    NVR switch - is this a plan???

    But is that input power or output power? I don't know how efficient induction motors are - I guess they vary a lot though. Ike
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    Oh my God!. I met Trevor when he came to my house to buymy Leigh jig. What a lovely,lovely bloke. We really clicked and swapped life stories etc. Oh, I'm just really upset to hear he's passed away. Logging off for now. Sorry. Ike.
  19. I

    Anti Gravity Turned Chalices????

    A bit of creativity in Photoshop perhaps?
  20. I

    Shop Vac

    Rob, Several here including myself have found this a good buy. It has a useful selection of power tool adaptor nozzles and it's fairly quiet too. Ike