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  1. Froggy

    Sharpening - which method?

    Hi Philly, What do you call a 'suitable grinding wheel'? Is it the white wheels that are on the expensive machines like the Tormek? Are there different grades? And can you change the wheels on grinders or do I have to buy another grinder? I only have a cheap one at the moment. Thanks Froggy
  2. Froggy

    Sharpening - which method?

    I'm really suprised that more of you are not advocating the use of sharpening stones. I was under the inpression (don't know why really) that most of you used either water or oil stones as your primary sharpening method!? May be a poll to see who uses which method as a primary method might be a...
  3. Froggy

    Sharpening - which method?

    Let me when you're bidding and I'll leave it alone :lol:
  4. Froggy

    Sharpening - which method?

    Hi Olly is that used for grinding a bevel, honing or both?
  5. Froggy

    Sharpening - which method?

    Harbo, By 'grindstone' do you mean a grinder with a white stone? Please excuse my ignorance :oops:
  6. Froggy

    Sharpening - which method?

    :shock: Wow are all Norwegian women so generous? You have a good point Henning, about the amount of time sharpening. Much as I enjoy the results of sharpening, the doing can be a bit tedious.
  7. Froggy

    Sharpening - which method?

    Hi Chaps, I'm going round in circles trying to decide which is the best and most economical way of sharpening my blades. I've recently learnt the 'scary sharp' method and I'm delighted with the results, but I have nothing to compare with. So I decided to buy some water stones, but when I saw the...
  8. Froggy

    Changing drive belt on bandsaw - Advice please!

    Thanks Mailee and John, There is a spindle at the back of the machine that seems to be attached by 4 bolts. I loosened them all and then tried to pull the wheel out and it never moved!! I thought about giving it a tap with a hammer :roll: but at this point I thought it was best to check with...
  9. Froggy

    Changing drive belt on bandsaw - Advice please!

    Thanks for that OJP - It's a Einhell 315 UG. The blade wheel is what I meant by Pulley wheel (that's how it's described in the manual) And it does have a circlip which I tried and failed to remove (with long nosed pliers). What is the tool and where can I get one? Does anyone know? I'm amazed...
  10. Froggy

    SOLD - Incra 1000se mitre gauge

    Hi Wordworth, I'll step down on this one, it's a little more trouble than I can do with at the moment to get it over. Enjoy.
  11. Froggy

    Changing drive belt on bandsaw - Advice please!

    Hi chaps, the drive belt on my bandsaw has broken and I don't know how to get it off as it's behind the lower blade pulley. Do I have to take the lower blade pulley off and if so how? I have the manual and there are no instructions about changing the belt. I've emailed the manufacturer and had...
  12. Froggy

    High-Quality Bevels.

    I think I must be on the slope myself, because at the moment I can't stop buying tools that I can't afford. And pictures like that don't help :roll: You're a bad man :twisted:
  13. Froggy

    High-Quality Bevels.

    If I'm starting to understand the 'Slope' correctly....this is part of the 'Slope',right :?:
  14. Froggy

    High-Quality Bevels.

    I can't understand why someone would pay 1100AUD (vesper) for a set of bevels when one at a tenner will do the same thing. It's not a criticism, I'm genuinely puzzled :?:
  15. Froggy

    I would like to look at your workshop

    I'm almost ashamed to say I have an obscene amount of space that is wasted on me. I'm a complete beginner with a barn in 2 sections that measure 14m x 10m and 9m x 3m (you can double that because it's over 2 floors). Despite the space and the fact that, like most people starting out, I have a...
  16. Froggy

    Lie Nielsen Youtube School

    Thanks for thinking of us learners lord Nibbo. It may come as second nature for most of you guys, but thinks like that are great for folks like me!!
  17. Froggy

    Possible bargain Wadkin TS

    I cried laughing at this one, fantastic.
  18. Froggy

    RAS advice needed please

    Thanks for the info guys, but I've come to an agreement with Dibs for a DW RAS. For a number of reasons it was an offer I couldn't refuse :wink: Froggy