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  1. Froggy

    Sharpening my Shavehook

    Another option might be to buy a router bit the same size as the groove/moulding and re-router it.
  2. Froggy

    Help!! Tear out.

    Yes, I did think about using a belt sander, as I have one of those attachments that help keep the sander flat and prevent further gouges, but I'm thinking it could take a long time and a lot of replacements sanding belts before I get through 2/3mm of oak over a surface area of about 2m2!! :?
  3. Froggy

    Help!! Tear out.

    I can remember seeing a thread for tear out recently (but didn't read it) so forgive me if this repeat stuff. I've almost finished a dining table in Oak and went to plane the table top and now have several quite deep gouges :oops: Is there anyway to deal with this other than cutting the table...
  4. Froggy

    Mitres are harder than dovetails!

    Thank God it's not only me!! I think practice is the answer.
  5. Froggy

    Low friction plastic

    Just looked at Direct Plastics Loz and the 6mm sheet UHMWPE is 3 times more expensive than Axminster :shock: :shock: However the choice is staggering at Direct Plastics.
  6. Froggy

    Low friction plastic

    Are you kidding :!: Everything except houses is more expensive in France than the UK :(
  7. Froggy

    Low friction plastic

    That sounds great Aled but where do you get it mate?
  8. Froggy

    Low friction plastic

    Cheers Philly. I didn't check my normal suppliers as I thought it make have to come from a specailist.
  9. Froggy

    Low friction plastic

    Hi Does anyone know where I can buy low friction plastic for runners for a cross cut sled please?
  10. Froggy

    Oak prices

    PM sent Jeff
  11. Froggy

    Oak prices

    As it happens Jeff he has. He is clearing out another building. He owns a lot of property which is costing too much in taxes. So he is selling the buildings which all house lots of wood (Oak, Cheery and Chestnut) that he planked during the 1999 tempest in the Limousin. If you live close enough I...
  12. Froggy

    Oak prices

    I know this is a bit of a tease but I bought quite a bit of seasoned (10/11 years) oak and chestnut from a local farmer just before Christmas. Although I didn't get any 3" thick I did get plenty 2" thick and up to 4metres long. In france the wood is priced on m3 and I got the first lot (the good...
  13. Froggy

    Sapwood/ heartwood

    Hi Waterhead, What's 'PUNKY' mean please?
  14. Froggy

    Power tenon cutters

    After quencing do you place the steel in the oven or back into your origonal heat source?
  15. Froggy

    Power tenon cutters

    That's a new one on me! Do you soak the chisels in the oil? If so for how long?
  16. Froggy

    Power tenon cutters

    That's a great little idea Eric and a good site. Thanks for that. However as I'll be using branches of all shapes and sizes it's not always going to work for what I want. But it's definately going in the right direction, perhaps I can build on that and come up with something that will work for me.
  17. Froggy

    Power tenon cutters

    Hmm! Never thought of a holesaw. I can give it a go for nothing :lol: Thanks for your help.
  18. Froggy

    Power tenon cutters

    Does this help jog your memory ... 53dfcc92e7 No idea what it is or what it's for!!
  19. Froggy

    Power tenon cutters

    Hi Russell that's where I started but they're too expensive. I'm looking for an alternative. By the way I'm origonally from Birstall - lived there most of my life before I moved to France.
  20. Froggy

    Power tenon cutters

    That's what I was hoping. The draw knife is a bit too slow for me. Plus I very clumsy with knives :?