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  1. Froggy

    Your favourite, free, on line, woodworking titbits.

    When I first started woodworking I found the internet a great source of free help, with my first favourite been I learnt a lot and enjoyed Marc's presentation. I later found Norm and watched as many of the NYW videos as possible. Since then I've enjoyed the likes...
  2. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Hi Brian, I'm going to make a version 2 and will take on board your suggestions, thanks. But it won't be happening until at least mid August now as I'm going away this week and wont be back till then.
  3. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Thanks Mike and Dalboy. I'll have a go.
  4. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Mike I think you're right, perseverance is key here. I think part of the problem is my incompetence as a turner and I need to practice. As for wrapping my fingers around the work piece...I found that impossible whilst using a gouge. I can just about use a parting tool with one hand whilst...
  5. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Hi Jon, Thanks for the response. The answer to how sharp are my tools is: I'm not sure!! I sharpened my gouge before starting this job but as I'm new to turning may be I only think they are sharp. I have been woodworking for 6 or 7 years now and I used to think my chisels were sharp way back...
  6. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Hi guys, Progress report - or lack of!! I made a 'Centre Steady' using my daughter's roller blade wheels (she'll go mad when she gets back from holiday) and some ply wood. At first I thought it was working but as I moved towards the middle the chatter started again. It is a little better...
  7. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Thanks Roger and Dalboy. As it happens I have some carbon fibber arrow shafts, might give that a go. Unfortunately I can't get back in the workshop until Monday now, but will keep you informed.
  8. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Sorry I had to go off line, some friends turned up (pardon the pun!) and I had to stop work. Thanks for all your replies, I'll digest them tonight and come up with a plan of attack tomorrow. I'll let you know how I get on. Cheers Froggy.
  9. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Hi Woodmonkey, While sat here discussing this with my friend we came up with the same idea - wood dowel. However the threaded rod (studding) would help (possibly) with the rigidity. A lot to think about....
  10. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Hi Eric, Thanks for that. I did research this a little before starting and found an American turner on youtube who used his sons rollerblade wheels to make a centre steady, but it looked like an awful lot of work and I have seen another chap who didn't use anything so thought I might get away...
  11. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Before I read any of these replies a friend came round to visit and said 'I'd put a threaded rod through that if I were you'! However I now have another question, because while I was waiting for replies I started on the other cane which is one piece of oak and I have had to stop because at about...
  12. Froggy

    first attempt at a bowl

    A goblet, a bowl and a baby all made by you! The latter with a little help from the missus perhaps. Very impressive.
  13. Froggy

    Saved from the stove

    They are very nice. I wish you lived next door to me, I have lots of wood sat doing nothing!!
  14. Froggy

    Gluing segments

    Hi Everyone, I'm about to attempt to turn a couple of walking sticks. One of them will be segmented: My main question is: will Titebond 2 be strong enough to hold these segments together? Or do I have to buy a special glue? Any other advice before I start would also be welcome. T.I.A. Froggy.
  15. Froggy

    Axminster customer reviews

    I've just had an email from Axminster who have explained they have a web problem which is preventing them from showing any reviews on the product in question. There are in fact 8 reviews, 6 of them positive and one of the negative reviews is mine. So faith in Axminster restored. Not that I ever...
  16. Froggy

    Axminster customer reviews

    The reason I didn't mention the product initially was because I didn't want to get into a discussion about whether the product was good or bad. My point is my review was not published and my request for an explanation fell on deaf ears. However now that you have asked...I tried to use them to...
  17. Froggy

    Axminster customer reviews

    Hi, This was the product ... y-815mm-32 You can see they are on offer and it says 'last few'. If that is the case perhaps they are aware of the products deficiencies and don't want to publish the bad reviews until they have got rid of them. It would make...
  18. Froggy

    Axminster customer reviews

    This particular product was so bad I can't imagine anyone being happy with it and would expect to see a lot of negative reviews, but there's nothing. Perhaps they are 'stalling' to give the price reduction a chance to clear some of the stock?
  19. Froggy

    Axminster customer reviews

    I agree there may be an explanation other than Axminster supressing reviews, it's the fact that they didn't respond to my request for an explanation that started making me cynical.
  20. Froggy

    Axminster customer reviews

    Hi All, I recently bought something from Axminster which I wasn't happy with. I didn't send them back but did give the product a bad customer review. A couple of weeks later I noticed that they had been reduced in price by 35% which didn't surprise me as they were very poor. I decided to read...