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  1. Knot Competent

    Another day, another ticket!

    We spent the weekend at a hotel in central Nottingham. What a nightmare the one-way system is! And to cap it all, our car was ticketed on Saturday night at 11.29pm! I thought we'd be safe after 6pm, but sadly not. John, who'll never be going there again!
  2. Knot Competent

    Eating breakfast using a tablesaw

    Oh, how I cringed as his fingers got closer to the blade! One of those things I'd rather not have seen - the stuff of nightmares. Still, you can't use a push stick on a boiled egg, eh? John
  3. Knot Competent

    The Black Spot.

    Nick, Gorilla Wipes might do the trick. They remove black marks left on fingers by polyurethane glue, which does take some shifting! John
  4. Knot Competent

    Need some glueing-up advice

    Ah, dry assembly! :oops: Now that's a stage I seem to have missed out on. Cut all the joints, try each one for fit separately, glue it up and Bob's your aunty! But I didn't assemble the whole thing to see how it sat. I was in a bit of a hurry, see? I'm so glad I ask questions here...
  5. Knot Competent

    Need some glueing-up advice

    I’ve made some frames from 2½” x 1” (finished) pine 2’ 3” x 2’ 9” overall. The mortice and tenon joints are made on a Trend M & T jig, and as far as I can ensure, the joints are cut square. The first two frames were glued up and cramped, but when the cramps came off they were decidedly...
  6. Knot Competent


    Gill, "I'm game" is not a safe statement to make in conjunction with cooking recipes! John
  7. Knot Competent

    Zen 8mb broadband

    "It may take a week"???? Mine was a bit faster than that on dial-up! But not by much. John
  8. Knot Competent

    Grrrr. I've been Trojan Horsed!

    Thanks Terry, that's very helpful! Regards, John
  9. Knot Competent

    Grrrr. I've been Trojan Horsed!

    Following the recommendations here, I downloaded AVG and find it excellent. I then cleared Norton from my computer, and everything works faster now!! The only downside to AVG is that it scans my computer every morning at 8am, and I can't change this unless I buy the higher level of the...
  10. Knot Competent

    It's not cricket

    Nobody has yet mentioned another aspect of this, in that many of these messages are typed at the close of the day, when the shoes are kicked off and the relationship resumed with that saucy Belgian minx, Mlle. Stella Artois. I suspect that she is to blame for many a typo, and a...
  11. Knot Competent

    Work shop insurance

    "It used to be three days to get an appointment" So is it longer now, or shorter? I guess that's rhetorical! Is it worth going to A and E, and getting something done under local? Otherwise it's going to be some time before you resume the manufacture of sawdust! Best of luck, anyway. John
  12. Knot Competent

    Work shop insurance

    Well, it's obvious what needs to be done, DW. The distal piece of nail needs to go. :shock: :( So, take a pair of pliers, grip the nail firmly, and with a swift but sure action, remove it to ensure complete healing of the finger. Oh, it's so easy to see the obvious answer when it's someone...
  13. Knot Competent

    Work shop insurance

    Is the finger back in use, DW, or is it only good for pointing? John
  14. Knot Competent

    Manually-operated agricultural digging implements...

    "Phil and I are a formidable pair when we get over a hot stove wearing nothing but a pinny." I can't tell you what a HORRIBLE mental picture that gives me! Two of you, in one pinny? Just beware the hot fat and the glowing barbeque grille, eh? Please can we get back to woodworking? PLEASE...
  15. Knot Competent

    Virtual WoodRat

    Oh, you really do make me sick! If that's playing, what would you do if you got serious? :lol: You are very talented where graphics are concerned - I often look at your SketchUp efforts, and go green with envy. The next step is to start manufacturing them and getting them on the market for...
  16. Knot Competent

    hanging keys panel (??)

    Steve, I can see the bell, but where's the thing you hold to your ear, and the bit you speak into? :lol: John
  17. Knot Competent

    wheels ??

    I have to agree with Scrit. I priced up some wheels a couple of months ago, and Machine Mart were much cheaper than Axminster or Screwfix. John
  18. Knot Competent

    Paint Shop Pro 7

    I've always understood that nerves heal very slowly. No doubt the feeling will come back in time. I hope you aren't wasting the healing time, but are planning lots of new projects! Regards, John
  19. Knot Competent

    Paint Shop Pro 7

    Thanks, DW. How's your finger? John
  20. Knot Competent

    Paint Shop Pro 7

    Thanks, guys. Between you, you sorted me out. AND cheered me up! Regards, John