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  1. D

    Another new lathe

    It appears to be out of stock and doesn't appear to be in the latest catalogue so they may have stopped selling them. My only reservation would be does it have a rotating headstock? It isn't mentioned on the page. I know not all lathes have this and it's probably a matter of preference, but I...
  2. D

    some of my work

    Apart from the plaque I like them all - nice, flowing curves , simple shapes and well finished. Impossible to pick a favourite. Duncan
  3. D

    Year 2

    Not sure why the centre of the platter is darker but I like the platter. Lovely figuring. Was the centre finished to the same standard as the rest before you applied the finish? Was the finish applied all at once or did you apply it to the centre after the rest had been applied and dried?
  4. D

    How do you start........

    Looks like I'm the odd one out. Most of what I make I plan before hand. The plan isn't particularly detailed though and just involves drawing the outline of the blank and then the outline of the curve that I aim to achieve. This isn't measured accurately and applied to the wood other than to...
  5. D

    Trend or Powercap?

    I recently bought the Powercap (from Screwfix - the cheapest I could find) and found it noisier than I was expecting. This is made worse by the fact that I usually wear ear defenders - the ones I have are now in contact with the helmet in the only position that they'll fit with the helmet (slung...
  6. D

    Year 2

    Nice. Something different. How about sycamore, beech, holly - they should be strong enough for the ring. I think spalted beech would work well. Another option is to try exotics or maybe try a pale uk timber with an ebonised ring
  7. D

    How do you sharpen turning tools?

    Blister - I've read and heard a couple times that bluing through heat doesn't damage your tools if they're HSS. That being said, if they blue regularly or all over then you're applying too much force - you don't need to press the tool into the stone. If you use a jig on a high speed grinder then...
  8. D

    Are Axminster targeting me?

    Looks like you've been added to their weekly email list. I'm on it as well and got the grinder offer. You can opt out if you like but you sometimes get very good offers. Last week it was for 10% off one item and in the past I've saved a decent amount on a bandsaw. Duncan
  9. D

    Easy done

    like Paracetamol was going to be effective! I was told to take ibuprofen. I'm also taking 3 prescribed pain killers for headaches at the moment. Even so it felt hot needles were being inserted for 2 days :(
  10. D

    Elm Burl 20 x 9 ½ x 3 ½ inches

    Sorry Dick - I wasn't trying to be confrontational. I guess I just saw the 'arty' as a criticism and just wanted an explanation. For me this is perhaps one of those pieces that blurs the line - it's functional because it has a bowl shaped area in which to put things, yet it's arty because it...
  11. D

    Easy done

    Having had a recent eye injury I am now even more careful about protection. I was on a working party with local wildlife trust helping pick litter in an ancient woodland. As I was reaching under a holly bush a branch sprang back and a leaf scratched my face. A little painful but not too bad...
  12. D

    Elm Burl 20 x 9 ½ x 3 ½ inches

    Very nice Pete. I've got to say that you're brave! I've got a couple of odd shaped burrs but have never quite figured out how to turn them as there are so many mounting problems. Dick - what is it about this turning that makes you refer to it as arty? If anything I'd say it was more crafty as...
  13. D

    Extension for a Nova

    Yes, it was me. Thanks for pointing this out, but it looks like it has the sloping sides so is a new one. I added to my original thread to say that I'd bought one of the new ones and created a joining mechanism. I suspect that the one on ebay is one that someone bought from Turners Retreat for...
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    welcome Pete I just had a look through your Flickr site and liked pretty much all the turning I saw - a great variety of shapes all well executed. Duncan
  15. D

    JSP Powercap noise

    I've decided to stick with the Powercap and to just wear ear-plugs for now. Unfortunately my ear defenders aren't quite long enough to fit over the cap :( Having used it this afternoon I was very pleased with the field of vision it provides and how clear it was compared to my old visor. Any...
  16. D

    A winged bowl

    Nice! I was thinking of trying something like that for my next project on a lovely piece of elm that I can't bear to cut down to a square. Out of interest, how fast was it spinning? I've seen Jimmy Clewes demo his winged box and he turns it up to the max - lots of propeller noise and quite a...
  17. D

    take 2

    I really like that last one. Which tools did you use to hollow it? Duncan
  18. D

    JSP Powercap noise

    I've just bought JSP Powercap IP for extra dust protection whilst turning but having tried it I find it to be surprisingly noisy. I know that some noise is inevitable with a fan directly above my face but I wondered how it compares with the Trend Airshield. I tried a Trend on at the Harrogate...
  19. D

    Nova DVR bed extension

    I thought I'd give an update on progress. Unfortunately I failed to track down an original extension but I learnt via emails to Teknatool that the XP extension is compatible with the banjo and tailstock from the DVR3000 and the only problem is connecting one to the old bed. I discovered that...
  20. D

    woodturning clubs

    I've just sent you a pm with the some phone numbers for the Sunderland club (who apparently meet in Washington). I don't want to post them here without permission so if anyone else wants them please pm me. Duncan