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  1. D

    Duncan's woodturning thread 2011

    Rather than spread my work posts across several threads I thought I'd start this one... The first entry is this natural edge bowl made from a cherry crotch. The tree was cut down last spiring (I think) and as the college arb tutor knows that I turn he asked if I'd like to take my pick of the...
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    More help / advice needed

    If the tree was cut down recently then the wood is very likely to be still wet. Unfortunately this means that you're likely to have some splitting (possibly severe!) as it dries. I've never turned that wood so don't know how it dries but with the thickness you have I suspect it's highly likely...
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    The RESULTS , January Challenge

    Well done to the top 3. Well deserved. And well done to everyone else for entering. It was good to see such a wide variety of styles. Looking forward to next month as I've only ever made 2 candlesticks. Should be a fun challenge...
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    Nova/Record DVR

    I've had my DVR 3000 for a few years now. My experience is pretty much the same as Bob's. A couple years ago when I was cleaning out the dust I forgot to switch the machine off and touched the speed sensor against the headstock casing and the thing shorted. I had to replace the whole control...
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    Abrasive belts for Sorby Pro Edge

    Just out of interest - how long do the Sorby belts last? I know it's tricky to answer as it depends on frequency of use, gouge size etc, but a rough idea would be useful. If you've used a grinder before how does the ProEdge compare? Duncan
  6. D

    2011 Competition January project ( Pictures)

    Sycamore (cored from a larger bowl when wet and left to dry for about 3 years) 26.5cm diameter x 8cm height Sanded to 400, burnished with shavings, finished with Chestnut Micro Crystalline wax buffed Duncan
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    Have I missed anyone ?????????????

    You missed me. I posted in the other thread that I'm done but perhaps I was supposed to PM you. I'll PM as well, just in case. Duncan
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    January Competition Project Discussion

    I'm ready, or, at least, I have an entry that'll do if I can't come up with anything better. Duncan
  9. D


    That's one reason that's often given but I've read in several locations that it's for more complex reasons. Apparently it started because the Celts, druids, pagans and possibly others worshipped yews (or held them in high regard) because of their longevity and had connected symbolism. When...
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    Not entirely true. The flesh of the fruit is edible and incredibly tasty - one of the tastiest berries I've eaten. The problem is that the pips in the fruit are (I think) the most toxic part of the tree so you need to be very careful when eating. Just squeeze out the pip before eating the flesh...
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    Our New Website

    I noticed in the gallery a cheese board made from jarrah burr. Is this practical as the holes are likely to get food stuck in them making it a pain to clean? Duncan
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    January Competition Project Discussion

    The Competition thread says 'Standard bowl. No texturing / piercing / coloring / carving / burning '. Does this mean that the bowl has to be round or can it be a bowl inside a square blank? Duncan
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    A free standing decorative piece

    I had an idea a couple of months back for a turning that I hadn't seen before but I'm slow at getting round to implementing my ideas and never took it further (although I'm still wondering about the best way to do it). It was to take a book, impregnate it with glue (somehow, and not sure what...
  14. D

    Magma Black Line Titan 400 , the photos / review

    Looks amazing - if only I had the cash to buy one. And a new workshop with a decent amount of room and a strong floor, although if I could afford the lathe then I'd be able to afford a new workshop. Unless I have a lottery win I don't think I'll be seeing one soon :( There's a review of the 315...
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    I need some help please

    Did you clean it with the diamond stone held in the trugrind jig or by hand? I just had a quick look at the Trugrind Instructions and it doesn't mentioned how to set it up for using the diamond so perhaps you don't know about it... if you remove the screw at the lower end of the leg of the...
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    Sorby Ultima vs Munro tool

    I agree with Mark about essential rubbing the bevel with the Munro by rotating it a little and using the shield as the bevel. It works well. Something I noticed last night with the Ultima - the fine depth adjustment works well forwards and backwards but there is a little play from side to side...
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    Android Apps

    I also use this regularly and it works really well. Just tried it with FTP and that was simple. I can't remember the last time I needed to connect the phone to the PC for file transfer. Another app I tried over the weekend is Subsonic which sets up a media sever on your computer. There's an...
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    Sorby Ultima vs Munro tool

    I was turning wet-ish oak yesterday and today. Most of my recent hollowing has been wet or part wet. When I hollow dry stuff I find the cutter clogs on the Munro, but it sometimes does with wet wood as well, it just depends on the wood - alder often does when wet, sycamore generally doesn't...
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    Lidded form

    See this thread