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  1. ikd

    My first post.... A little help with some oak..

    I dont think I can help, but welcome to the forum.
  2. ikd


    Does any one have some good tips on trying to avoid condensation :?: Last night was a sharp frost (down here). My garage/workshop has a metal sheet roof. By 9.00am this morning it had started raining inside the garage, where the outside temperature had risen and vapour in the air, which had...
  3. ikd

    Just another saw

    Another superb job Mike :D :D
  4. ikd

    What biscuit joiner????????????

    My £25 Ferm busicuit jointer is probably one of my best purchases (for the money). If I win the lottery I might buy a Lamello :shock:
  5. ikd

    Norm's Improved Router Table

    That looks a very nice piece of work. :D :D :D :D :D :D
  6. ikd

    Where best to download *legal* MP3's

    You right it is 79p per track. I knew I had seen 99 something somewhere :oops: The only thing with buying from itunes is the bit rate is 128Mbs which is great if you want to save space but the quality is a little lacking 192 or above sounds great.
  7. ikd

    Where best to download *legal* MP3's

    If its an Ipod, use itunes and the online music store. Current albums are about £7.90, older ones for less. Individual tracks are 99p each. I'm not sure where you can get freebees thou :?
  8. ikd

    Where best to download *legal* MP3's

    Is he using an Ipod or another make of MP3 player.
  9. ikd

    HI guys. If you like woodworking - A little american excess

    Ive ordered two :shock: Looks very nice, but im not sure about the outside theatre though :!:
  10. ikd

    Small Workshop Problem

    Depending on which side of London you are, you might want a trip out to SouthWoodham Ferrers (south Essex). Welsted Timber will mill up to the size you want and they are the cheapest locally to me that I have found. Give me a shout if you want details.
  11. ikd

    Box Crazy

    Very nice. I like the WIP photos on your web site :D
  12. ikd

    Table saw technique

    So are you saying that you compound the error with every cut :?:
  13. ikd

    Loves and Hates?

    Thought I'd put a sensible reply in this time. Likes Making the first cuts when starting a project The fresh smell of wood when I opn the garage/workshop door Using power tools (I watched to many NYW, thats how I got hooked) Dislikes As everyone else - sanding Sharpening Constantly vacuuming...
  14. ikd

    Under Protest

    Very nice pieces of work :)
  15. ikd

    New Routing Project

    Same here. Ive just finished a kitchen island with a draw. I knocked up a tempory handle, but these look far more interesting :)
  16. ikd

    Outdoor glue

    Ive used titebond II (the yellow stuff) which has worked very well.
  17. ikd

    Loves and Hates?

    Likes Wood Dislikes Wood :roll: Its a love hate relationship :wink:
  18. ikd

    Here comes the new workshop

    Looking forward to the piccys :D
  19. ikd

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    I know alot has been said, but I thought id add my 2 pennys worth. I would close the aperture down to F8 (the smallest hole you can have on your camera I think). Lenses have a sweet spot and on DSLR's this is usually f8 to f11, although I am aware your camera is not a DSLR. Because of the high...
  20. ikd

    A little excessive for my taste...

    He was on GMTV this morning. Its even worse when the camera is moving around :?