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  1. T

    Workshop roof argghhhh help

    Hey, hold on there could be a more simple solution. What did you use underneath the slates? A layer of simple underfelt would stop bugs, rain, wind and all kinds of problems. I have exactly the same roof as you at almost the same pitch and I lined with a simple breathable liner I got from B&Q...
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    Beginner Introduction

    Welcome to the forum guys. Good luck for all that sawdust making!!!
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    Skill Teach/Share Scheme

    Byron, I think it's an awesome idea, everybody here has something to share I am sure and if those people are willing to meet up with other like minded sawdust makers then that's going to be good for everyone. The key to sorting it out is getting buy in from people to do it, and as already...
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    Favourite Kitchen?

    Hi I think it's important to consider the kitchen relative to the type of house that you have. Old victorian ones with high ceilings let you get away with higher units that look awesome if nicely glazed and well lit. More modern houses can get away with some of the more manufactured looks but...
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    Burst Water Pipe

    Dave S, thanks for your reply. I agree, I love my old place, and though a terrace it's actually more quiet than my parents detached pile in suburbia. So wouldn't change it at all. Come as no surprise that you have had to do alot, most builders don't really go for care or quality. The flexi...
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    Burst Water Pipe

    Thanks for the fast replies. Just for clarity I do have a stop cock inside the house, but sadly this is the pipe to the stop cock that has burst. Luckily I had a stick to turn it off in road from next door. Andrew M, I will let you know later what the quote is. I too am not afraid of getting...
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    Burst Water Pipe

    Hello all, Mondays are bad at the best of times, but today far from good. Whilst getting ready for work heard an unusual hissing from around the boiler and thought hmmmm, somethings not right. Had a look about and listen to the pipes and made sure everything was off, but something sounded...
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    Negotiating a discount from axminster?

    I tried on phone and think discount was an alien word. On the upside, I got Li-ion 12v metabo drill/drive with 2 batts and case for £100 due to a misprice somewhere else.
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    Rate Festo circular saws

    I think the cost is very high indeed, but worth remembering that: - You get 3 years warranty - The brake is very handy - The enclosed blade is great for a safety viewpoint - Dust extraction is first rate - Blades are pretty good For me the big thing was safety. I am no pro, I got the...
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    Wall fixings

    You should find that once your wall is plastered and finished that some good heavy duty rawplugs or even the expanding metal bolts will do the job. Speaking from hours of trying to get things to stick to crumbling 120 year old brick work then using larger size plugs than required and the right...
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    Workshop Security

    Arch, Thanks for taking time out to post such valuable advice. I am now worrying about my humble 5 bar lock. That said I live in a middle terrace with no access to garden so like to see somebody move my planer. Will be looking up some stuff to protect the main house too. G
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    Scheppach ci2500 sawbench

    Hi, I would echo that last comment. I have the smaller 2010 but have real issues with accuracy, it can be set up just right, but takes some time and as soon as you change anything you need to re set up. I would not buy scheppach again, I want a genuine system that once set up well stays...
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    Glass table (WIP)

    Great pictures and well explained, when's the final episode?
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    Axminster Cast Iron Router Table Fence

    In the search for Incra accuracy but with out the eye watering bill then how about using a set of butchered digital calipers on a parallel sliding system with some kind of turning handle to adjust. I have just built a standard fence and table that I shall post some pics of. Pleased as have it...
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    hang onto your beech wood!!

    This could open an off topic can of worms, but pay a little extra cash for a nice high end system and you will hear how pants your mp3's sound. A good CD player with 20 quid connects is all you need, or even some quality headphones. You hear lots more in the music that is lost in mp3's and the...
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    portable circular saw bosh -skil

    A three year warranty with no large difference then I know what I would go for. You would kick yourself if the skil gave up in 3 years in. (Well, and the saw too) G
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    Welcome to the forum, it's great because people are very helpful and constructive too. That first box is great, as everybody has said the sculpting is great. Did it take long? You should play more with that skill as could look awesome on a larger piece too. G
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    My new router table

    Nice one, I am making one at the moment and taking a little while but worth the effort. This stuff doesn't have to look pretty, as long as everything is straight and accurate thats all the matters. G
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    Birch Plywood Blade

    Hi, At risk of saying the F word, and I mean the 7 letter one ending in ool. Depending on what you are cutting with you could check out the Festool blade to see if it will fit. I have used Gomex in my TS and it gives a perfect finish everytime. The G
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    pocket holes for doors??

    Mr G, have you seen how fast it is to put something together with pocket hole kits? I have the kreg on and for kitchen cabs etc then it is so fast and should last as long as is required. I can't imagine that it would be as fast with just trying to drill some pilot holes.