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  1. B

    Kity 613 bandsaw

    Thanks to all for the help - I have got the Kity working with the 1/2" blade. Has anybody tried a 1/4" blade?? I am now looking to make a larger table top with fence & mitre system including a circle cutter along the lines of or...
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    Who makes Triton's Thicknesser?

    Triton have come out with a new range of power tools - The bandsaws are Scheppach's but who makes their thicknesser? Scheppach are selling the metal cutoff saw. Thanks for the help Barry
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    A quick tour

    I have the Triton maxi extension table and that takes a 8' X4' sheet I have replaced the Router table stand with a WC2000 stand and a maxi extension rail so that I can use it with the router as well. Good to limit SWMBO from the workshop else loads more would be in there. Barry
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    Kity 613 bandsaw

    This has been my problem trying to get the teeth overlap - I will try not to overlapping them Thanks
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    Kity 613 bandsaw

    Alf the machine is in good nick. I have tested the both wheel bearings by putting a mark on them and spinning to see if they stop in the same place (worn bearings) They do not. The machine has not been used much and the frame does not have any bang/bump marks or any paint missing. I found a...
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    Kity 613 bandsaw

    I used a spirit level at first to get the top wheel close - then put tension on the blade and spun it by hand and adjusted the knob until it appeared to be tracking correctly - gave it a final tighten and started the motor - the blade came off a number of times after re adjusting the knob. I...
  7. B

    Kity 613 bandsaw

    I have been having fun trying to get a 1/2" dureEdge blade stay on the bandsaw. Can ant of you bandsaw experts help - I am running out of ideas? Thanks barry
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    Trim saw

    These are the prices before carriage you should be going for.(naked) DC988 Drill £70 Charger £25-30 DC618 Nailer £170 DC9096 battery £30-35 DC385 Rec saw £45-50 DC390 saw £50 DC410 grinder £45 DC 330 Jig saw £115-125
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    Trim saw

    There are three main Dewalt suppliers on Ebay. I have used two of the three and have never paid any duty or VAT - most offer to refund the VAT. I mainly deal with wakerdr-Dewalt tools direct but his delivery is slow (10 to 14days) He has sold about 36500 items on ebay. I got a delivery in 3 days...
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    Trim saw

    I agree with Stephen as I to have the DC390 18Volt bought from my USA supplier for £50 + carriage- a very good buy. Very versatile and put to good use.
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    Norm's clamps

    Jason I got the Rutland cat ,GWW and Shopnotes all together so I went through with haste - thanks for the info. I was looking for 2 clamps especially to fit edging after the event. - usually use sash clamps as John said.
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    *Changed To Workshop/Contents Insurance*

    I was shocked when I entered all the tools I have into an excel spread sheet - I thought I had about £1000 may be £1500 of tools to my horror I had over £5000 - back to my insurance company to increase cover. Thanks for getting me into action
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    Norm's clamps

    The Gross Stabil site has some interesting clamps - they seem similar to Bessey - is there a UK distributor or do I have to call my mates in germany?
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    Norm's clamps

    I did not buy any Festools so I have a few pennies to send Ha Ha
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    Norm's clamps

    I did not look at Rutland website as I had just receive a new Rutland catalog - its not in it - thanks
  16. B

    Norm's clamps

    On friday Norm used an edging clamp which I thought was a Bessey but on checking on the salute to Norm site it was a Gross-Stabil clamp Who stocks these in the UK?? Thanks Barry
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    Kity 613 bandsaw

    Thanks mike - I will go down this route as the bearing guides for the Kity require the whole top assembly to be changed at a cost of £100 and I will also lose 1/2" of cut height. Barry
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    Kity 613 bandsaw

    Thanks Mike & Chris, The first problem I found was that the blade had been installed around the back thrust bearing not with the bearing at the back and the drift setting was way off. I removed the blade supplied and am now awaiting the arrival of the DureEdge before spending more time with the...
  19. B

    It fell of the back of a lorry.

    The new postmen haven't a clue either with house names
  20. B

    Take a peek at Tritons updated website

    This site is not a Triton site but a Triton dealer.