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  1. dedee

    What's your favourite word?

    About the only thing I can remember from, history lessons at school was Antidisestablishmentarianism Is is such a shame that up until now I have never had the opportunity to use it. I also like "qat" as this has caused many an argument while playing scrabble. I had to buy my father a new...
  2. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Roger, I've tried Command-Option-O-F no joy. tried also with the screen face down, upside down, sideways etc, still stuck. No joy with the visa card, amex card, cash card, NHS card or drving licence either. . It seems that removing the drive is quite straight forward and as it is looking...
  3. dedee


    Very sad news. I do hope he wife knows what an affect he had on so many people with his bright and innovative ideas. Andy
  4. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    There are no holes visible on the iMac so I will have to remove the drive. Thanks. Andy
  5. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Absolutly Not I see the price of the entry level iMac is identical (£969) as my G5 PPC 5 years ago with extra:- 1 ghz of processor, 2Gbs memory, 250gb disk and 4.5" on the screen. A bargain Andy
  6. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    I've just had the back off and been through the diagnostics has mentioned here There was no sign of any damage to the resistors they are all, clean. I then checked the 4 diagnostic leds. #1 & #2 came on, #3 did not and as I have the G5 ambient light sensor I...
  7. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Chris, you are right of course, the sad thing is I really think that I do not need any extra power but that's progress I guess. After Dick and his son pointed me towards the logic board ( is this what we used to call a motherboard?) I found this page on the Apple support site...
  8. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Dick, pm sent That is a great help even if the prognosis is not good. I'll have a poke around inside tomorrow to see what I can see. If it is the logic board I wouldn'nt mind betting that $800 in the USA equates to about 800 euros in here. Might be time to upgrade, especially as my bithday...
  9. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Dick, I have sent you a PM with the serial number. Andy
  10. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Dick Wow thanks again. I had to look up Cupertino :oops: Only 2 mac stores in France, Paris and for some no doubt obscure reason Montpelier. I'm serching pagesjaunes for revendeurs Cheers Qndy
  11. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Dick, thanks. I've not added any extra memory. It came supplied with 1gb? Thanks for sending my woes to Apple. Who/where did you send it too? I was not aware that I could do that. Andy ps typing on a french laptop keyboard is a real PITA
  12. dedee

    Dremels...what do you use them for?

    The dremel is excellant at cutting new slots in screws when the original crossheaded slots are too mangled to be of any use. Andy
  13. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Dick, I did had about 3 safari windows, with multiple tabs in each, open in the dock and a futher 3 open on the desktop also with multiple tabs in each and could well have been downloading two 1mb PDFs at the same time. Could I have overloading the memory? Does it really need a doctor? Or could...
  14. dedee

    Has my imac died?

    Help! My imac won't load. While using safari earlier it froze while trying to download a pdf file. The spinning wheel appeared and I could not force quit or access any other application. I let the wheel spin for 30 mins then switched off. When I switched on again I got the Bong but the screen...
  15. dedee

    Interesting Items?

    an unexploded big bangy bangy (500lb, American) was found close to the centre of Caen last week 20,000 people evacuated from an 800m exclusion zone. At about the same time a smaller big bangy bangy 200lb (British) was found about 5 miles outside of Caen in an industrial park. Both were disposed...
  16. dedee

    Build a shed Mike's way

    My vote is for this to be set as a sticky as the information is clear and concise and probably one of the most discussed topics on the forum. Andy
  17. dedee

    Pressure washers - any reccomendations ?

    £7 quid cheaper at Screwfix Andy
  18. dedee

    Gizmo for handling sheets of plasterboard etc

    Any of these help Roger? ... %20carrier Andy
  19. dedee

    Exquisite kitchen knives and other objects of desire......

    It may be heresy but for slicing fruit and veg I prefer a serrated knife, a kitchen devil which I've had for at least 20 years - never sharpened. For raw meat ( cutting into chunks) I often use kitchen scissors. For cooked meat a Sainbury's special does it for me. Andy
  20. dedee

    Small Wooden Toys. Advice please.

    Paul, welcome, I can't add anything to the list of aforementioned books. As you asked about wood species... If you are going to use ply make sure it is good quality birch ply - NOT the stuff you can by in the DIY Sheds. Beech is the preferred hard wood - close grained, easy to work and does not...