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    something to show

    Now that's impressive. You are obviously spending far to much time in the garden :-) I decided that this year that I would sow a patch of my front garden that has always remained empty with Californian Poppies. I wanted something that was bright, easy to grow and that would self seed for next...
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    I have reached a point where I need to replace my staircase in order to gain a bit more headroom and to create something a little more 'contemporary'. It needs to be a quarter turn with (possibly) and extra 90 degree turn on the last step. My current sketch is this: This is based on the...
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    Cooker light - stuck!

    Not really practical help but it might be worth checking that it is actually screwed in. I've been known to spend hours trying to get something undone before discovering that it isn't attached in quite the way that I thought it was. Andrew
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    crazy not do do some of your basic carpentry?

    The gentleman to whom the OP referred said nothing about not wanting the job. Just that he would do it for £1000. If he had had no other work on he might have quoted less but it was £1000 that was required to get him to do it in this instance. That's market forces. I have never come across...
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    crazy not do do some of your basic carpentry?

    On the contrary. It's not that he doesn't want the job. In asking for a quote you are saying to the guy 'tell me how much I would have to pay you for you to do this job.' At the end of the day there will (almost) always be some figure for which he will do it. But the busier he is the more it...
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    Woodrat But be quick

    Almost certainly doesn't know what he's got. Unless I am very mistaken one of those boxes of cutters is a set of Forstner bits :-) Andrew
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    USER NAMES?????

    <AOL> me too :lol: </AOL>
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    Screw Heads for Andrew

    This was always one of the things that impressed me with AutoCAD. Dimensions seemed to be limitless. You could just as easily draw something at the sub-millimeter level as you could at the kilometer level, and on the same drawing. Indeed at one time there was a demonstration of this which...
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    Google SketchUp now for Mac

    And a new version (with textures) for those of us with Windows.
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    Screw Heads for Andrew

    Dave, thanks for that. Is there any advantage to rotating a full cross-section about 180 degrees over rotating a half-cross section over 360 degrees which is the approach that I took. Andrew
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    Painting Kitchen Units

    I saw a kitchen in a flat a couple of years ago that used standard carcasses but with doors made from stainless steel faced MDF. It may have been a laminate but looked real enough. the edges of the doors were edged in a bright turquoise and it looked 'very' expensive. So making your own doors is...
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    Problems drawing small items

    Sorry Gidon, missed your post, wasn't ignoring you. Got notification of Dave's. Yes, as indicated hidden geometry was on. As for scaling I started at 1000x (and reduced in three steps of 0.1x so should be enough. Drawing a 8m diameter screw head is interesting :-)
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    Problems drawing small items

    Dave, On the assumption that this is a drawing that you 'just knocked up' to illustrate a point and not one that you had laying around how did you create these? I seemed to spend an age trying to create the slot and wondered if there was an easier way. Andrew
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    Problems drawing small items

    Well spotted Dave. That is exactly what it was. I hadn't realised that hidden geometry showed anything at all if there was no components hidden. You learn something new every day. Quite agree about the file bloat. For what I am doing this little screw is utterly irrelevant. It just became a...
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    Problems drawing small items

    Well, I seem to have managed to get what I wanted by scaling so many thanks for all the help. However I notice that although I started with a smooth raised head when I put the slot it it became faceted face and has remained that way ever since even through the scaling operation. It now looks...
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    Exporting from SU

    Would it be possible to run Google Sketchup and the 8 hour trial of SU5 on the same machine? You could then save from Google Sketchup, read into SU5 and export in the desired format. If it takes 30 seconds to do you would get almost a thousand exports before the SU5 trial expired. Andrew
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    Problems drawing small items

    This does appear to be the problem. When I get a spare half hour at lunchtime I shall give it a go and report back. Andrew
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    Problems drawing small items

    Definately a IE problem. For those of you still using outdated browsers :wink: I have changed the images in the original post. Andrew
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    Problems drawing small items

    Hmm, odd it works here and worked from work so it is not a problem with permissions. Did you see my picture in this post? Edit after a bit of investigating: Ahhh, I think the problem may be that the images are .png images. These seem to be the default format the Sketchup uses and are probably...
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    Problems drawing small items

    I knew I had seen something about this but none of my seaches came up with anything useful. I'll give it a go. Andrew