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  1. DomValente

    Legal Ramifications of business in shed

    BBwrote :lol: :lol: Nearly wet myself reading that. Try living in Italy :lol: :lol: Dom
  2. DomValente

    Money boxes???

    Absolutely agree with everything else you said except the above, retailers will give very little for your product and if you have the charisma, or in this case the snowballs to eskimo skill, you will fare better. Dom
  3. DomValente

    Kity 419 Modification

    Welcome Willow, help is on the way. Dom
  4. DomValente

    Wadkin 12x7 planer/thicknesser

    I think I wish I hadn't taken the P**s :( Dom
  5. DomValente

    Wadkin 12x7 planer/thicknesser

    One day Senior was planning a piece of Ash, unfortunately the grain was a little wild and the board started to skew and then jammed up. Well Senior wasn't happy and he started cussing something awful, the air turned blue, Senior went red and then, well it's hard to describe but the machine got...
  6. DomValente

    Vote for me!

    No,No, don't change it, it's good to have someone that agrees with me. We'll just have to avoid posting one after the other :lol: Dom
  7. DomValente

    Vote for me!

    Vote here Dermot ... RESHED=413 By the way, you've nicked my signature line :twisted: Dom
  8. DomValente

    Extreme Birdhouse # 29

    All going down in the little black book :twisted: Dom
  9. DomValente

    interesting idea here

    Hi Patrick, Clever, but a wee bit scary, there is a serious possibility of kickback. Dom
  10. DomValente

    Steam, the letting off thereof

    Didn't know you were from Argentina :twisted: :) Dom
  11. DomValente

    Damato Macchine combi

    Hello Dave, I read through several posts on that forum and I believe that this one sums up pretty much what is being said over there. The comment that I refer to is by Giacomo who is now also a member on this forum. ... ght=damato. Like us they are not...
  12. DomValente

    Extreme Birdhouse # 29

    Brilliant, looks a lot like the East wing of my house :) Dom
  13. DomValente

    Tommy Walsh eat yer heart out!

    Looking good Mailee, just hope the weather up there is better than it it is down here this morning. Dom
  14. DomValente

    Ian's box

    Looks fine to me Dave, well done. Dom
  15. DomValente

    Olive veneer

    Be afraid, be very afraid, don't close your eyes, 'cos just when you least expect it.......... neeyahaha :twisted:
  16. DomValente

    Competition entry WIP - making the most of what you have

    No, No, No, I was just quoting what my son said, don't try and draw me onto the evil Slope . :) Dom
  17. DomValente

    Money boxes???

    Hi Woody we need good pictures. Dom
  18. DomValente

    started a new box with another idea

    Devonwoody said In the book "The Twits" by Roald Dahl. The husband would add a sliver of wood to his wife's walking stick every day to make her think she was shrinking, so I'm just wondering............ :) Dom
  19. DomValente

    Olive veneer

    Thanks Chris, I'll try them out. Normally use Shawyers in Enfield, but Ware is definitley a more pleasant drive. Dom
  20. DomValente

    2 chairs, 2 satisfied customers

    Lovely job Andy, will show that picture to customers and tell them that's how they must react when I deliver furniture. :) Dom