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  1. AndyBoyd

    A funny old day in the workshop

    No worries NewToWood
  2. AndyBoyd

    A funny old day in the workshop

    Today the iPod only played David Bowie or Terry Pratchett Audio book chapters - curiouser and curiouser On the sycamore front - I checked again the planer - all seemed fine - ran the edge (not the face) with the bumps and hey presto after 2 passes they were good enough to join - blown if I know...
  3. AndyBoyd

    A funny old day in the workshop

    I'm not sure what's causing the bump, will attack it with a fresh head tomorrow - but I'm starting to suspect my technique... I have one of those donut shaped JBL speaker/amp things for my iPod, small compact and rather good quality, bought it a few years ago at some airport in the far east I...
  4. AndyBoyd

    A funny old day in the workshop

    It started off strange with the iPod on shuffle mode only playing female vocalists and Herman Brood (now dead Dutch Rock mega star) all day - weird Then I kept on getting humps in the middle of the sycamore board edges I was trying to joint on my jointer , I resorted to the trusty Bedrock 608...
  5. AndyBoyd

    Constructional Veneers Suppliers

    Hmm that seems to be also the answer from the veneer dealers I have spoken too, Maybe I need to buy a 6" extension for my bandsaw, - i.e: Has anyone got any experience in extending the bandsaw with these products - do they...
  6. AndyBoyd

    Constructional Veneers Suppliers

    Hoping someone can recommend me a supplier I've gotten back to my Love Chair project now a few house projects are out of the way. But I'm struggling to find anyone who can supply me with constructional veneers.. I need London Plane, cut to 1 or 2mm thickness 120cm long by 30 or 40cm wide. I...
  7. AndyBoyd

    Making Dowels in Sycamore

    I need to make some 6mm dowels for the latest project - tall cupboard in sycamore. I need straight sided dowels and am looking at various jigs to do that. The Lie Nielsen plates seems to give the best range of sizes for a single purchase, but I seem to remember someone telling me that it...
  8. AndyBoyd

    Solid Wood doors?

    Thanks everyone one good points , I'll note them - Jason the idea was to deep sawn from a 60mm thick plank (they have the deepest band sawn I've ever seen there with 75mm blades!) The after acclimatising them I'll take them back to be thicknessed (I only have a 150mm planer and 300mm...
  9. AndyBoyd

    Solid Wood doors?

    My next project is looming ( a tall cupboard in the kitchen to cover a door that is blocked on the other side by the new piano) My wife and I were very much impressed y the work of Duncan Gowdy and we'd like to build a cupboard in that style...
  10. AndyBoyd

    Rant about Vista

    Chuck some more memory at it, usually helps loads, and it's quite cheap these days - you need 2 gig to run Vista
  11. AndyBoyd

    Dave's Workshop Refit... At Last!

    Well done I'm continually amazed on this forum that other members go to great lengths and wonderfully skilfully build workshops but leave the walls as breeze block/brick/wood. Painting them white as you have done make it a much nicer/better place to work. Super Andy
  12. AndyBoyd

    Constructing Interior Doors

    I have a house full of odd doors but with the ground floor being full of originals, I bought the freud set to make new ones to match, and it is wonderful , produces 2.5 " tenons and very easy to get great doors at your own custom sizes (I have 5 sizes of door to make) The set was a bit pricey...
  13. AndyBoyd

    Can I get dovetailing for £250?

    erm 10 quid for a saw a fiver for a chisel and then 5 more for a coping saw and 3 quid for a mallet. Oh yes and a marking gauge - 10 quid 38 quid and so much quieter neater greener and healthier :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Only kidding
  14. AndyBoyd

    Knock down fittings for beds

    I always use their's not cheap but rock solid
  15. AndyBoyd

    Router Boss some photos

    does this not infringe the Woodrat patent? anyone know the story behind this, they always sold some very nice Woodrat accessories , something which the Woodrat team struggled to keep up with it always seemed to me. And what ever happeneied to that new Pathfinder (or what ever their name was)...
  16. AndyBoyd

    making a drll tidy - classic mistake

    Just tried the silver papaer trick works superbly Thanks a lot
  17. AndyBoyd

    An Oak wokbench

    I am very fortunate in have a whole stack of Oak given to me in 12cm x12cm pieces and lots of 12 x 6cm big heavy stuff. Now I need a second workbench - and I have enough oak to make that with plenty left. I hardly use oak in the furniture I make for the house so it's going to take me time to...
  18. AndyBoyd

    making a drll tidy - classic mistake

    gee thanks all - great tips I'll experiment and report back Cheers
  19. AndyBoyd

    making a drll tidy - classic mistake

    I have just made a little double sided shelf to clamp to the pillar of my drill, in one side I made a hardwood plate in which I drilled a series if holes from 2.5 mm till 13 mm in 0.5 mm steps to hold my drills. Now I seem to have made a classic mistake, the drills fit in their own holes with a...