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  1. AndyBoyd

    Automatic extractor switch.

    Oh thanks Woodmaster, This has been on my to do list for months, just ordered a couple (albeit they are out of stock!). Good old Maplin
  2. AndyBoyd

    Thanks everyone with your assistance on my TV cabinet

    Mcluma In the kit you get a square IR sensor, this fits into the PCB , but I soldered it to a cable and glued it between the drawers. The box with the PCB sits underneath the cabinet. I'll make a photo for you and post it. Works a treat (actually I did not need 2 LEDs (wire them in series))...
  3. AndyBoyd

    Favourite wood to work?

    These woods are a treat for al your senses, especailly quarter sawn plane.
  4. AndyBoyd

    Dewalt 712

    I have a 712 with a replacement Freud blade, and it produces excellent results. But boy is it noisy. If I was buying one today I'd go for an Electra Beckum that has an induction motor (and the brake an an optional extra), keeps my ears happy and the neighbours sweet. I added to my DW712 the...
  5. AndyBoyd

    Thanks everyone with your assistance on my TV cabinet

    Hmm, they are not there, they usually sit in front of the scraper plane? I must have been using them! I have a set of Harris spoke shaves from London (I think!) Well one spoke shave and one travisher. I'll take another photo as I've just replaced my Footprint chisels with Ashley Iles's ones and...
  6. AndyBoyd

    Thanks everyone with your assistance on my TV cabinet

    Alf, I had another go at making it work, maybe I edoited out your fix!! The finish is Bartleys Varnish gel - which is super, about 3 coats. really easy to put on if you keep your coats really thin. Thanks for the kind comments every one
  7. AndyBoyd

    Thanks everyone with your assistance on my TV cabinet

    Anyone see my mistake in the bbcode? the URL works checked that! Cheers
  8. AndyBoyd

    Thanks everyone with your assistance on my TV cabinet

    Well after a year and ~240 hours it's finally in the house: I had lots of help from board members from where to buy brass, laminate trimmers to fit the hinges and many more. Its made from Swiss steamed pear (solid frame, drawers and top), self cut pear veneer for the doors (back and...
  9. AndyBoyd

    Newbie Woodrat question

    I am lucky enough to visit the US regularly and hence can bring goodies back with me, I have a multi angle jig for my rat and it's a beauty. The laser I would say you do not need as you want to work with pencil lines and the eye, that's what makes the rat so wonderfully versatile. They also do...
  10. AndyBoyd

    Why open handled?

    My grandad who adviced me on such matters say the open handles fit more sizes of hands than the closed ones many years in the wooden yacht building business. I have both and the open ones just seem snugger and easier to control, plus they look great. IMO
  11. AndyBoyd

    WoodRat Jigs

    Nice site, I'm very lucky having an american colleague and the internal works post, so I can order nice things from the Cratsmans gallery, the angle jig, the microadjuster , plastic angle setters (these are a gem) etc. I've also made an adjustable work holder - quite similar to yours except...
  12. AndyBoyd

    WoodRat Jigs

    Nice site, I'm very lucky having an american colleague and the internal works post, so I can oirder nice things from the Cratsmans gallery, the angle jig, the microadjuster , plastic angle setters (these are a gem) etc. I've also made an adjustable work holder - quite similar to yours except...
  13. AndyBoyd

    What three items are you no longer using?

    Mine just slip and takes me ages to get the jaws parallel. Hmm maybe I'll percivere, but then again ..... But you right, what's a god send to one gathers dust to another. By the way if any Dutch members of this forum fancy any of my 3 unused items (8 clamps so actually 11), a beer and they are...
  14. AndyBoyd

    What three items are you no longer using?

    For me it's my: 1. Jet morticer - the Rat and/or my router with 2 fences saw it to bed 2. My Veritas Dovetail Markers (nioce tool but I have now a great one from Woodjoy tools that does 2 sides at the same time, the Veritas ones are a little too short on one side to do that 3. My American...
  15. AndyBoyd

    Finishing Ebony

    Liberon do a black shellac polish, I used this on my ebony plane seperators & drawer knobs on my tool cabinet: I was delighted with it, got 250ml from Axminster. :)
  16. AndyBoyd

    Veritas Wooden Spokeshave Kit Review - immensely long!

    Well done Alf, looks a very nice tool. It seems to be the same as my new Harris spokeshave which my wife bought me for Xmas, I meant to post some pictures but work has been so crazy I have not had the time. If it works as well as mine you'll be delighted and you'll be a very proud user. I know...
  17. AndyBoyd

    Scheppach HMC 3200 CI? Combi verses solo machines

    Well I'm unlucky and then lucky all in one day, A motor mount on my Scheppach HMS 3200 broke forcing the cutter head into the table and once the smoke, noise and shock had dissipated the machine was a goner!!!! Table bent 5cm upwards, cutter head in 3 pieces wiring ripped out and shorted...
  18. AndyBoyd

    Bleaching Sycamore

    Great guys, I 've just ordered some - I'll keep you posted on the results
  19. AndyBoyd

    What is the ideal height to mount a Woodrat (Little version)

    I've remounted mine about 3 times now I'm happy with about 1" lower than the top of my shoulders (gives max height below and I do not bend too much and can see all the settings etc.) One down side of this height is that your face is at the router height, so you'll really need safety specs or...