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  1. G

    Creating hole with square mortice

    Start by making some proper drawings, accurately to scale, and showing both the section (took me a while to work out your original sketch). You’ll then see that the square hole is only 0.3 mm larger than the 4.9mm hole. Trying to rout a 5.2mm square is a fool’s errand. If this is for the square...
  2. G

    US Election November 5th

    What was that phrase the Brexiters used? Ah yes, I remember: “You lost, get over it”.
  3. G

    Electric vehicles

    But the engine and transmission on an ICE vehicle are not the only items requiring maintenance, even if that is mainly inspection. And, of course, those items are also present on EVs. Or do you not maintain the brakes, steering, suspension, tyres, lights and ancillaries on your vehicle?
  4. G

    Screw removal from gate help.

    I found that these...
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    Five favourite quotes.

    You can’t get the wood (Goon Show, again) If you were the only girl in the world, you’d still have to fill in a form (my late boss) First thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers (Shakespeare, King Henry VI, part 2)
  6. G

    8mm gas hose

    Of course you can. The real question is “Should I?”
  7. G

    Glue for mending cracked wheelie bin?

    If the bin is a few years old, the plastic will have become embrittled by exposure to UV. Having repaired one crack, you can be pretty sure that another will follow shortly. Afraid that the only real answer is replacement. Our District Council will provide a replacement bin pretty quickly...
  8. G

    Price of Fuel

    I am on that Octopus tariff, and their numbers are right. In general, EVs will return about 4 miles per kWh - my small VW e-UP! does 5-6. The Octopus tariff provides 6 hours overnight at 7p/kWh, and also schedules charging at other times using a smart charger at the same rate. So it really...
  9. G

    Size For Glass Panels

    Sorry - typo - Fat Finger Syndrome!
  10. G

    Size For Glass Panels

    The OP’s panels are 884x291 - that’s why I looked at 900x300.
  11. G

    Size For Glass Panels

    Don’t know where you’re getting your price for polycarbonate, but they must be profitable! Online pricing ( - the first place I checked) have 4mm polycarbonate at £21 for a 900x600 piece. 4mm is more than sufficient for the size of those panels. I’ve used lots, and...
  12. G

    Decorative screw ideas

    For a really nice finish, use countersink cups with brass csk screws.
  13. G

    Size For Glass Panels

    Internal, why not use polycarbonate or acrylic? Much lighter weight, easier to work.
  14. G


    If you don’t vote, @Stigmorgan, you forfeit the right to complain about anything the government does.
  15. G

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    Your statement “…in fact the big advantage of non-plug-in hybrids is that regenerative braking…” implies that other types of vehicle do not have this advantage. I was simply trying to be accurate.
  16. G

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    Not just ‘non-plug-in hybrids’. We have a full EV and a PHEV, and both use regenerative braking.
  17. G

    Router guide bush thread dimensions

    A follow on from this. I've successfully printed sub-bases for both my routers that work perfectly with the Katsu threaded bushes I'd bought. Then I needed a second 30mm bush so that I could use both routers on the same job (making t-slots). A search for just a 30mm bush led me to Trend...
  18. G

    Securing a tracksaw rail to bench dogs

    In principle, no. The reason I made them was that I’m a cheapskate with a 3D printer, and I baulked at the price some of the (Etsy?) sellers were asking for these! I’m more than happy, though, to share the .stl file so you can print your own, and I’d happily make the odd pair really as a...
  19. G

    Dog Proof Clear Finish on Mahogany

    Oil or Treatex.
  20. G

    Dust port sizes

    The answer’s definitely the 3D printer and the Cen-tec system. In my workshop, I have a Camvac extractor connected to a 63mm ducting spine. Table saw, router table, disc sander and drill press are connected to it via blast gates and 63mm flex ducting. An outlet above my workbench has a blast...