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  1. O

    Not scared of dig-ins any more

    Woodfarmer has given the answer I would give you - the bevel is not rubbing when you are cutting. I know that this is challenging the fates, but since I finally got that into my head, I've not had a dig-in ! And I find that my turning is clean and requires far less cleaning up after cutting. Rob
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    Wych elm finish query - possibly wrong oil recommended.

    A bit of experimenting - oils don't seem to be the answer as I suspect from what Chas is saying, they soak in and alter the light impact on the grain, and colours. My instinct was to use oil because of it's ease of application over a large surface, but retention of shades and colours seems far...
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    Versachuck ? a good choice ?

    I would confirm the quality control problems with the Versachucks. Despite my expressed concerns, the local turning club bought 6 of these chucks, a number of which then had to be fettled to work smoothly and had other issues to be sorted. Rob
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    Wych elm finish query - possibly wrong oil recommended.

    I'm making two 12" diameter platters to order and raised a query recently about the possible use of sunflower oil as suggested by Mark Baker for an ash platter. This query was whether this was just ordinary off the supemarket shelf oil. The advice given by a number of you was that cooking oils...
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    Versachuck ? a good choice ?

    A warning I'll give about the Versachuck is that the seller having had the original chucks made in China, now has an Indian supplier and the jaw carriers are no longer compatible as I have found to my irritation. Just bear this in mind that one of the trade offs of the lower price is that this...
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    Sunflower oil finish

    Many thanks guys - that's that topic well and truly exorcised then !! Rob
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    Sunflower oil finish

    OK perhaps this should go on the Finishing Board, but it's purely a turning matter so I reckon I will get a more experienced answer here. Mark Baker in his book "Woodturning Projects" suggests Sunflower oil for finishing a 12" dia. Ash platter. I've not seen this recommended before 1 What...
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    CA glue staining

    This will be so the rattle does not have the potential to jam in the baby's mouth. I hadn't come across this EU regulation but there is a similar one US that sets a similar diameter at 42mm. Rob
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    CA glue staining

    Thanks Duncan - I try PU. As for the holes, that is a trick I've employed elsewhere but avoided here so that baby slobber doesn't get into the wood. On the other hand I normally seal with medical paraffin first followed by hard-wax oil so maybe that would be adequate. Rob
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    CA glue staining

    Thanks guys If memory serves me right I did use a thicker CA glue on the previous gluing and had to do a two stage gluing process this time - surfacing with the CA before applying the adhesive layer as the Pound-Stretcher glue is very thin (possibly why you get 4 bottles for a pound!) and soaks...
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    CA glue staining

    A wee while back I made a handful of baby rattles - the maracas type, not the captive ring variety - and I got a number of repeat orders which fortunately dried up as I found them a bit a pain to make not being able to judge just how thick the wall was. But I did make a few spares to the point...
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    Airbrushing Kit

    Many thanks for that advice, Rafazettar. I was airbrushing the 5 panels of a 600 x 300 x 300mm cover which I suspect was a rather larger area than was normal for a/b'ing - thinking about it now I forgot that I do have a straight normal spray gun I could have used, but it was an excuse to try...
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    Which scroll with vs is decent or better.

    The Hegner Snobs ... and I will repeat "The Hegner Snobs" ...should to be banned from this forum for being totally destructive to the hobby of scroll sawing. Rend's reaction is the classic example and I have seen this situation occur very recently on this board where someone was asking very...
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    Airbrushing Kit

    Out of curiosity I did an "airbrush" search having just face a very similar problem to Mooed. I've just built a Noah's Ark with animals for my grandchildren and decided a box was required. Just a simple one out of ply and frame, but it looked thoroughly utilitarian, so a paint job was...
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    Lemon Oil

    I clicked on this because I've just been making some scrolled bits from holly and was looking for something that doesn't add significant colour. Very little colour added and a lovely soft touch to the finish. Rob
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    advice on (very) cheap scroll saw

    Hi Martin - that's a good answer for the OP. I do get rankled by people who answer posts such as this when the heading is "(very)cheap" and saying "oh, you must spend at least £500". I get to the point where I do suspect such people are really just saying "look at me, I can afford to spend...
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    advice on (very) cheap scroll saw

    I have the Jet in a rebadbed form (Woodstar). There is a Record and many other manufacturers' names on this model. The main asset of the Jet against the cheaper model is the variable speed, which I think is well worth having. I bought this at sale a year ago and hadn't really used it until...
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    Tormek 2000 problem

    Finial I take it that was one of those 'doh!!' moments - blonde or age ? Such things are obvious to one person and get completely missed by another, and the first is faced with "How do I word it so that I don't sound smug !" In my case it was just as well I took the buffing wheel off as the...
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    Tormek 2000 problem

    Hi Terry - having done the sand-paper treatment, the machine has been given a new lease of life, and doesn't slow at all. I suspect that this touch of TLC was need from the beginning when I got the machine 2nd hand. Now I am puzzled as to why you are complaining about the 'small gap to reach...
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    Tormek 2000 problem

    Thanks guys I've always tried to remember to remove the water bath, not because of the potential problem that has been highlighted here, but because the first time I forgot, the water went rusty and stained the stone. Fortunately that did no more than alarm me, and soon enough the stain...