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  1. P

    Planer Thicknesser Recommendations

    Hi Wizer, sorry, me with my stupid head on, it was actually a Fox 8x8 not a Jet. It's on the Rutlands websire for £200 and has a few decent reviews on it. Phil
  2. P

    Planer Thicknesser Recommendations

    Hi Wizer, pretty open minded however I was thinking that a combined would take up less space?. Phil
  3. P

    Planer Thicknesser Recommendations

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a decent Planer/Thicknesser. I'm only the average DIY person so I don't want to pay mega bucks, maybe in the region of £200 - £300 tops, as most of the time it will probobly be doing nowt in the garage. Ive been looking at the Jet 8x8 for £200...
  4. P

    Making mortice & tennon joints with a router

    Thanks very much for your replies lads, very useful. Phil
  5. P

    Making mortice & tennon joints with a router

    Hi, I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times or more, but here goes!! Is it possible for the average DIYer to do these joints?, are they difficult with a router? Was thinking of just clamping a scrap of wood at the correct distance to make a "stop" to make the tenon or is there any types...
  6. P

    Which Dust Extractor

    Must admit I still fancy the drum type, mainly for the space it takes and must admit when it comes down to emptying I would just do as Mike suggests and just stick a bag over it, bearing in mind also that I would empty it outside anyway and probobly wear a mask for good measure. Not to bothered...
  7. P

    Which Dust Extractor

    Hi Mike, probobly a single motor? Take it a twin motor would be double the suction? Phil
  8. P

    Which Dust Extractor

    Hi Mike forgot to add, the tablesaw is a Ryobi, not 100% of the model number but roughly looks about a 3 inch outlet at the back Phil
  9. P

    Which Dust Extractor

    Thanks for that Mike Phil
  10. P

    Which Dust Extractor

    Hi Everyone. New, and first time user of this great forum. Could anyone please advise me of the best dust extractor between these few I'm looking to purchase in the next few weeks Camvac 286 (36 Litre) Record RSDE - P I thought it was between these 2 however Ive been reading good things on...