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  1. Inspector

    Nobody gives a .....

    Bummer all around. 🙄 I don't suppose the Department of Health would give a ----? You could tell them that you have gotten sick from it. Pete
  2. Inspector

    Nobody gives a .....

    Take consolation (perhaps constipation) in knowing those trees are going to be very happy this spring. Pete
  3. Inspector

    Drying wood

    A number of screen/mesh layers on both sides might be enough for circulation if you open the bag to let moist air in and out daily or more as needed. A radiant heater (externally) would help warm the wood and speed up the process. It should work easily through a bag. The author of the book used...
  4. Inspector

    Drying wood

    I haven't done it myself but do have this little book on the subject. It details what to do and how long the process takes, equipment, etc. When I lived on the west coast there was a wood supplier of local woods that had a commercially made one. He was able to dry a couple thousand board feet of...
  5. Inspector

    Repairing a William IV Rosewood Chair

    Thanks for letting us follow along. My father was a partner in a repair and refinishing business. They did container loads for auction houses and he did all the repairs. I saw him do a lot of similar chairs and did a few myself. We usually used white glue and he didn't have strap clamps. One...
  6. Inspector

    Wireless Contact

    Well if the wearer fell in the tub/shower they can summon help or the watch would do it for them should they be knocked out. This thread is after all about people that for one reason or another might be in a situation where they are out of earshot when something happens. Agile and able bodied...
  7. Inspector

    Wireless Contact

    I understand but some of the other smart watches might do the same. Pete
  8. Inspector

    Wireless Contact

    Not a cheap option but in case you don't know. The iWatch has a fall detection function. When it detects a hard shake or fall like movements it vibrates and asks on the display if you had a fall. If you don't answer it will automatically call 911 and they will dispatch to you. Works in the home...
  9. Inspector

    Wireless Contact

    The cell phone gets the nod for us. With the iWatch I know I'm getting summoned when I feel the vibrations on my wrist even when on the tractor at the other end of our 10 acre place. But if the phone is on vibrate the buzz in the pocket does it too. Pete
  10. Inspector

    Improved hand tool myth.

    I think it is a thread to create argument and not add knowledge. Any tool you like and suggest will just be a launching platform for the "just do it my old way" argument that is at the heart of all his posts. Try to disagree and get pounded and worn down with the same repetitive replies. Can't...
  11. Inspector

    Joiner made shaves.

    I've never even seen picture of any that looked like those. I wonder if they were user made with a local blacksmith making the blades? Making new ones could be done with oil hardening steel using a bench grinder, files, Foredom etc. Heat and quench using a one brick forge, kitchen oven temper...
  12. Inspector

    New member

    Maybe a little simple of me but I found a couple by searching slot mortising bit left hand. You should be able to dig up more the same way. And of course...
  13. Inspector

    Drilling Hardened Steel

    You haven't said what alloy is being drilled? What the hardness is? Predrilled hole when soft and then finish sized after hardening? Clearance hole for a bolt or close tolerance hole for a bushing? An assembled part or individual pieces? Size of the part being drilled? Tolerances of size and...
  14. Inspector

    Dust extraction, am i over thinking this? Advice please.

    Fine dust is the 10 micron and smaller dust made when cutting or sanding any wood or wood product. Every machine makes it to one extent or another and even some hand woodworking operations produce it. It is not normally seen with the naked eye unless it is by reflecting in light. Floating in...
  15. Inspector

    Dust Control & Health Issue Bill had it much worse than you and after setbacks found out what, why and how. It is a long hard read and somewhat repetitive. Read it all. His answer may for various reasons may not fit your needs but you will at least know what not to do...
  16. Inspector

    Dust extraction, am i over thinking this? Advice please.

    Forgive me if I don't convert all the numbers so I can relate to them better. I'm a few days into Covid and thinking a little slow at times. Whine over. The CamVan is a glorified/overgrown vacuum cleaner so it is a low volume high pressure machine, all be it a big one. It can because of there...
  17. Inspector

    Dust extraction, am i over thinking this? Advice please.

    You said you will wear a mask when working but to know when the dust levels have come down to a see level I suggest you look for a cheap particle counter. Taking a reading outside will give you an indication of what the air should be close to. Don't put them close to the dust maker as that will...
  18. Inspector

    Decline in Valued Contributors???

    Kind of harsh rafezetter, at least in my opinion. Many are angry, outraged, hate the new owners and their subscription, money optional, which you having the choice to turn off, advertising business model. Everybody overlooks or chooses to forget the the original owner never said a word about...
  19. Inspector

    Removing and reinserting bearings on planer/thicknesser cutter block shaft - help from anyone with experience appreciated!!

    Deep sockets are a handy tool to push bearings on with as you can pick the ones that will fit the inner or outer race as needed. Just make sure they also fit over the shafts without catching. If you pre-cool and pre-heat as needed they may not be necessary but should things get tight you can...
  20. Inspector

    Decline in Valued Contributors???

    Software is basically "store bought" so changes and control are limited to what the designers built into it. Best is too be set up for the worst and never need it rather than having to go back and fix later because you relied on people being decent. We as members have to understand how to...