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  1. Inspector

    Chopping boards

    Here is a cutting board calculator with a bunch of different patterns you can make. Cutting Board Designer Might want to start with a simpler board to begin with before you dive into the hard stuff. Pete
  2. Inspector

    Saving a plastic cap.

    At first I was going to ask why you didn't just buy a cap for the gasoline container and then I saw that you are Venezuelan and understood. Creative repair work. Pete
  3. Inspector

    VERITAS Skew Rabbet Plane

    New here it is £205. I don't know if shipping and whatever import fees you would get dinged for would add up to or be more than the £275 being asked for in the eBay listing. Quality of the tool can't be argued but from here the price doesn't look like much of a bargain. Pete
  4. Inspector

    Chopping boards

    It's generally it is frowned upon to use Oak in cutting boards. The open grain being a trap for food particles and the potential for bacteria to grow. Better to stay with woods like Cherry, Beech, Maple etc as they don't have the open grain. Glueing boards across the end grain, breadboard...
  5. Inspector

    paraffin Heater

    You should exercise caution running fresh air or recirculating air over the exhaust pipe because if there are any joint leaks or holes develop in the exhaust you get to breath it. Pete
  6. Inspector

    Powered Respirators

    Depends in which province you live in Lefley. When I lived in BC I paid a monthly fee (about a hundred a month) until our union negotiated for the company to pay it. If you were poor then the province covered it. When we moved here I found out there was no fee. So each province is different...
  7. Inspector

    Powered Respirators

    If you qualify, transplants are paid for here too if you live long enough to get one, although some medications would be on your dime. Each province is a little different as each runs their own show. Pete
  8. Inspector

    No No's on projects

    Silicone lubricants and sprays of all kinds. They get on everything, transferring to wood and messing up finishes. Fisheyes for example. Because I am Canadian I prefer Robertson screws, avoiding slotted and Phillips when I can. Pete
  9. Inspector

    Woodrat or Leigh Dovetail jig?

    One benefit the Woodrat has over other systems is the ability to do other kinds of joinery besides dovetails. Other jigs are pretty much one trick ponies so you need multiple jigs to do as much. Pete
  10. Inspector

    Big gap under internal doors

    Maybe easiest and perhaps cheapest is to have new doors made with casings but not mortised for the hinges. Fit the new doors and the builder keeps the short doors to fit with the new casings on the next house they make. Trying to redo the existing casings will result in repairs to the wall, trim...
  11. Inspector

    What size screws for fixing faceplates to Record 52 1/2 vice? - 5/16" BSW don't fit

    Plasticine can be pressed into service. 😉 Pete
  12. Inspector

    Advice please re: blade for 10" table saw

    I would suggest if wanting a Freud blade to get their glue line rip blade for all your stock preparation and change it out for a crosscutting blade when you cut them into the smaller pieces. They make it in both thin or "standard" kerf widths and are reputed to be good. Other brands make similar...
  13. Inspector

    Book Press

    Looks good. Now I have to ask what are you going to do with it? Press veneer? Glue segmented rings together when making bowls? Squeeze the last of the toothpaste out of the tube? Or sit on a shelf in bookcase for show? Pete
  14. Inspector

    Strange query

    Would getting a load of new chuckies and spreading it on top 25mm to 50mm thick work to bury the mud and keep the feet clean? The original rock must have settled some over time anyway and this would bring it back to the same height. Pete
  15. Inspector

    How can I order wood which won't warp?

    I should have said in my earlier "definitions that you gents also call a jointer a surfacer. This being a British forum will bring some ire if you speak Americanish too much. I couldn't live without a jointer as I think it is indispensable. You will understand the day you want to prepare wood...
  16. Inspector

    What have I done wrong? Carcass not square

    Top is to space the sides and to fasten the worktop to. Sides cary the loads towards the floor. The top could just as easily been a pair of 100mm pieces front and rear the way many store bought cabinets, here at least, are made. Solid backs as the OP made are often just a 100mm strip across the...
  17. Inspector

    How can I order wood which won't warp?

    mrodent just so you don't get spanked by a stickler for terminology. Your part of the world calls a machine that you hand feed the wood over the top to flatten and straighten a planer, on this side of the pond it is called a jointer and down under they call them buzzers. You guys and the...
  18. Inspector

    Heinkel HE.115.B1.

    Beautiful job of capturing the essence of that aircraft. Pete
  19. Inspector

    Can i borrow a brolly?

    Boy have you guys been angering the rain gods! Similar stuff happened last winter on the West Coast. Washed out multiple places on the highways in the interior pretty much cutting Vancouver off from the rest of Canada. Took out bridges as well as sections of the highways. They rebuilt and...
  20. Inspector

    Angle grinders, managing vibration

    Look for Impacto Air Gloves. They are the best anti-vibration glove I've found. They don't stop the vibration but they reduce the effects so you can work longer. Best is to change the tool or way you do it to minimize the vibration. Once tool vibration becomes a problem you have it for good and...