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  1. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    Doesn't appear to be shellac. Rubbed kitchen paper with meths on a shiny part and nothing seemed to happen to the finish. It seemed like I could have scrubbed with that kitchen paper and the finish would have held firm. Will try home made reviver next
  2. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    Please excuse the bump. Really grateful for any ideas or experience with a suitable product.
  3. el_Pedr0

    Black Walnut finish to retain Mat appearance

    @danst96 maybe this one?
  4. el_Pedr0

    Black Walnut finish to retain Mat appearance

    No, no. I suspect it's more likely due to the solid breakfast bar not being in direct sunlight. Although I can't be sure because there are a number of other variables. And I know for sure that the breakfast bar has been treated with timbertect, but my hunch is that the cabinet had the same...
  5. el_Pedr0

    Black Walnut finish to retain Mat appearance

    I suspect so. I was a bit alarmed when the cabinet started fading in that first year so phoned the maker and he casually said there's no point trying to fight it and that it would settle down - ie it wouldn't just keep fading at the same rate. All the same I think I'd be tempted to research uv...
  6. el_Pedr0

    Black Walnut finish to retain Mat appearance

    The cabinet at the end of our kitchen is adjacent to south facing, full height 5m wide glass doors. It gets a fair amount of sun. This is mdf with walnut veneer. In the picture below I've opened a door, which gets a lot of sun, so that you can see it against the cabinet side which is sheltered...
  7. el_Pedr0

    Black Walnut finish to retain Mat appearance

    The cabinet maker that made our kitchen swears by timbertect by 3c or conservation chemicals. We've got a walnut breakfast bar which he coated in the stuff (type: interior, natural finish /mid sheen) It's pretty matt but not dull like untreated wood. The first photo below is taken at an angle...
  8. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    The table was brought over from Thailand or Korea a few decades ago. But I've always thought that carving in the chair is chinese. (Good knowledge @Cabinetman )
  9. el_Pedr0

    How should I revive this table?

    Hi all. Seeking your advice on bringing back some lustre and protection for this (rosewood?) table. It's a table which gets used everyday, although usually has a wax/plastic coated tablecloth to minimise the damage. I'm hoping for a solution where I can focus on the parts that need attention...
  10. el_Pedr0

    How can I revive this old french bed frame?

    Thank you, And excuse the pedestrian questions, but how much garnet do you need to polish a bed? I can get 250ml of Liberon, or 1l of either Liberon or fiddes or mylands (the latter currently reduced to 25 quid, which puts about the same cost as the others).
  11. el_Pedr0

    How can I revive this old french bed frame?

    Hmm, I'm starting to wonder if the Liberon description might have been a bit misleading. Images on the web like the one below suggest that Garnet does not hide all the grain: In which case, seems like Garnet would be ideal. I'd still be interested to hear your thoughts though.
  12. el_Pedr0

    How can I revive this old french bed frame?

    Oh dear - a few months on and I'm only just getting round to buying the french polish. ⌛⌛⌛ I was about to go for garnet (mainly because @mrpercysnodgrass prefers it, and as I have no experience, it's a wise choice to borrow someone else's). But the description of Liberon Garnet on the rest...
  13. el_Pedr0

    Wanting to build a door for a glorified shed with a bit of substance

    (deleted because it posted the message twice)
  14. el_Pedr0

    Wanting to build a door for a glorified shed with a bit of substance

    @Glitch another question for you. Did you create an air gap behind the fascia board (eg by using battens like on the walls) ? Or did you just nail the fascia directly to the roof trimmers /rafters?
  15. el_Pedr0

    Your opinions on Larch/Douglas Fir cladding and framing please

    I did that last year but only get one regular visitor. Can't figure out why I don't get more birds...
  16. el_Pedr0

    Your opinions on Larch/Douglas Fir cladding and framing please

    Thanks John. You don't remember how wide your boards were quoted/marketed/described as do you?
  17. el_Pedr0

    Your opinions on Larch/Douglas Fir cladding and framing please

    Next question. How much waney edge do I need. One sawmill says he sells per square metre (but I assume this does not accout for overlap). Another sells per linear metre and says his boards are between 8 to 12 inches in width. I guess that a waney edge board can vary significantly along its...
  18. el_Pedr0

    Wanting to build a door for a glorified shed with a bit of substance

    That's a nice work around. It looks like an intended feature rather than an acciedental omission. But what I meant from the rebating are these details here: It surely would have been easier for your joiner to cut the required angle into the diagonal brace so that it would simply butt up to...
  19. el_Pedr0

    Your opinions on Larch/Douglas Fir cladding and framing please

    Wow @Fitzroy that's pretty substantial and looking pretty solid. Good work. Why did you choose the different material for the window framing? Is larch only for cladding and not for framing? Did you season the window frame material? If not, has it presented any problems/movement? And is the...
  20. el_Pedr0

    Your opinions on Larch/Douglas Fir cladding and framing please

    I'm going to clad the front of my small garden building in a waney edge timber. A couple of questions for you. Q1) Larch or Douglas Fir? I was thinking of European Larch. But what about Douglas Fir? My permeter fence is planed western red cedar (the contemporary horizontal slatted type), so I...