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  1. K

    What wood would and what wood wouldn't make your preferred species to work with.

    I have all sorts in my wood pile but there is a down side I dont know which wood is which and untill I cut into a piece I have no idea what is going to be like Today is a classic example I have cut four 12 inch blanks out of two lengths of 3*3 and started to turn them into cylinders Aurrrrrrgh...
  2. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Nice pens they look so good
  3. K

    Cleaning up tee bridle joint bottom

    To do what you want to do I glue 80grit onto a flat wooden rule. Then step down the grades until I get to a fine 180 grip Hope this helps
  4. K

    Small workshop generator

    Talking of carburettors I find that the water in the tank it makes a rusty sludge that collects in the carb Last time I had to strip down and re build the carb after cleaning
  5. K

    Small workshop generator

    I was storing petrol for months or even a year, Now I have 5 L max even that I have to change the filter due to water On the plus side it’s only for the gen set not the car so a “breakdown” is more annoying than a serious problem
  6. K

    What wood would and what wood wouldn't make your preferred species to work with.

    Years ago I used iroko to make a new cross for the cof e school I worked at Had to sharpen the plane every few cuts.... has been linked with cancer Day to day I use what ever junk wood I get given by my friends at the builders supplier's I then look at the wood and see what I can do with it. Yes...
  7. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    I see the word Spalted used here and had to look it up Interesting effects
  8. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    The legs in the different stages and my oldie but goldie Axminster
  9. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    No I did nothing,,, opps
  10. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    And when things go wrong, threw that chunk across the garage
  11. K

    Can you ID this?

    It looks like a rebate plane
  12. K

    Small workshop generator

    Just a heads up Petrol does not keep/stay fresh like it used to. I had a whole heap of problems I was advised to only have as much as I use in a day..... Petrol apparently absorbs water from damp air (dont ask me how)
  13. K

    Newbie turner....

    I just looked on line there is still a firm that deals with shopsmith happy turning
  14. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Hi All I am looking to add some new live centres. looking at the Axminster web site There is some newer ones to my old 60deg should I stay with known older type or go for the newer ones what if any are pro/cons Thanks
  15. K

    Small workshop generator

    I use a 3kw petrol gen set to power the tools that will not run off of my 2kw solar powered battery fed inverter. even then some tools like the skill saw/ circler saw makes the gen set kick into high revs until the saw is up to speed or I hit a hard knot or wet wood Yes its noisy and I cant...
  16. K

    Newbie turner....

    Hi I have a 1992 vintage Axminister lathe that I have taken over from my parents. I found the people at Axminister tools most helpful and friendly .. maybe have a look on line or give them a call and tell them of your needs.
  17. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    reading the post by super tom I have a band saw but the blade seems to wander on anything over 10 mm not long serviced/repaired and new blade It had sat doing nothing for over three years. I had it serviced and worn/ damaged parts replaced inc a new blade User error or do I need yet another new...
  18. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    some nice work there peeps. I spent a few hours turning square, ish blanks into cylinders ready to make two more sets of legs.. Have 6 the first one i hit a knot a chunk flew across the garage and hit the other wall. The piece that came out was big enough that I could no longer make a cylinder...
  19. K

    Good evening

    Do you season the wood use it as found
  20. K

    Help identifying tool

    Looks like old school tool used in building eg paramids