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  1. T

    Which saw... BandSaw?

    Thank you for all the advice. It is much appreciated. If I am honest, as it is my first band saw I am a bit worried about going down the second-hand route as I am unsure what I would be looking for (the Inca Euro 260 looks great, though). I like the sabre range due to its build quality and ease...
  2. T

    Which saw... BandSaw?

    That looks like a lovely little machincine and perfect for what I probably need, small and acurate, especially if I can get the micro adjust fence). Would spare parts (if needed) be an issue? Now I just need to find one. Thankyou
  3. T

    Which saw... BandSaw?

    Thank you, that is really helpful advice regarding the blade. Would these be from a specialist (catering) stockist? Thankyou P
  4. T

    Which saw... BandSaw?

    Hi, I am looking for some advice on a possible saw/bandsaw? I make jewellery and sculptural pieces from often 70+ 3-4mm thick wooden slats that I clamp together, carve, and join (rivet) I am exploring the potential of carving a block of wood and then cutting it into the slats (currently done...