Router sled will make a good job of that but it will probably twist and turn a bit once installed
We had a chainsaw totem pole carved for a child who got killed after getting off school bus -full of memories from her friends, it was carved torched painted with preservatives and decorated with...
We cut the trench on a radial arm saw so it was a snug fit then put 9 or 10” coach screws straight down a drilled hole then capped with a wooden plug. We put about 10 benches in place all well tested by the enthusiastic supporters, nothing has moved yet !!
Sounds about right to me, the rebate in the top is just to locate it on top of the uprights 25-30 mm should do fine. When the kids did them they assembled the top onto uprights then carried them to the site and lifted whole structure into the holes got it level then poured in the post crete...
I worked in a rural school in Cumbria that was given access to some woodland owned by the Parish council. A square block with access from the road sloping down to a beck. Council were very supportive but did not have a lot of money.
We pulled in a local wildlife group and got a grant that paid...
Stig Morgan we did exactly what you are planning. The PE dept wanted simple but sturdy benches along a bank top between astroturf and a cricket pitch so spectators could use same bench to watch both areas. It was a project under taken by6th formers as part of their enrichment program activities-...
Hi also retired after 40 years in education nursery, infants secondary and college, Last 17 years in charge of workshops in a Private school so lip service to National Curriculum etc so long as we got results. Latterly had lots of girls making Mackintosh style chairs and dressing tables!
Don’t know if it might help but there is a chap in Carlisle who reconditions Hegners he always has several machines on eBay could be worth contacting him?
I was fortunate that the garages / workshop was part of the house which is built into a hill so came ready wired but if I was doings it from scratch I would have a look at dado trunking which is neat and does allow some moving and adding sockets once you know how you will use the space.
If your...