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  1. Steve Mehrlich

    Which CNC router for aluminium sheet?

    see below link to a thread on here last year. the chap was making planer blades i think from steel and bought his machine as a kit for i think £1300 . although there is a bit of putting together i think it was pretty much a full machine...
  2. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    apologies for the late response to this. in answer to the above it didnt bloody fit!!! i didnt think to check that the size ratio between the missing cherubs was the same as the intact ones so whilst it fitted the space it looked weird. back to the drawing board, i suspect ill remake the entire...
  3. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    below was last weekends mission repairing an antique chair for my father in law. i used an app, reality scan, to to create a 3d model of a similar intact pair of cherubs and then scaled it to hopefully fit the gap. about 8 hours of machining in oak.
  4. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    does your machine have the ability to adjust the feed during the cut? 19mm bit, 12mm step over at 1mm deep sounds fine. id be tempted to speed up the rpm say 10000 and start at 500mm/min although i reckon this would be a bit slow and infuriating to watch. if you can manually overide the feed up...
  5. Steve Mehrlich

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    interesting that might just do it , thanks
  6. Steve Mehrlich

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    i whipped up a quick catch all type bowl on my cnc with a little silver inlay . anyone have any tips for trimming the silver wire without deformign the cut ends? bottom left of the bowl shows the jopin in the silver looking a bti scruffy..
  7. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    Yes there will be a more appropriate toolpath like bore or something more suited to holes. I'm not Infront of a pc at the moment to advise definite terminology but try a different type of tool path.
  8. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    Looks weird, I'd guess theres an issue with the geometry selected for the hole. What tool path strategy did you choose?
  9. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    somethings not quite right there. face operations should remove all of the top face of your stock. i reckon you have a geometry selected that you shouldnt for that toolpath. leaving it there potentially presents material to your next toolpath that it isnt expecting to be there. if its cutting...
  10. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    Okay this is where your model and stock become two different things. Is your current stock too thick and you need to get it to your model height? Use a facing tool path. You could use a pocketing tool path but your machine/ fusion need to know where to pocket to. Even typing this makes me...
  11. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    Hmm I see what you mean. How wide is channel? Have you tried trace tool path with an axis offset to get the depth? I would definitely explore using a tool the same width as the channel and turn off lead in and outs. I solely use fusion , it makes me think I'm better than I actually am. I'm...
  12. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    Run that past me again? Like machining a grid?
  13. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    When you created the tool path the second tab will allow you to guide where the tool Mr Delaney said, the circle you drew for the top of your model should be able to be selected and then set the tool to machine inside that circle. It will then ignore that top face. Fusion is an...
  14. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    i normally run with 15 - 20 percent. the drop in material removal can be countered by using the both ways option in the tool path set up page. this will use both both climb and conventional and stops the tool retracting between moves, saves a bit of time. what is it that youre making? just being...
  15. Steve Mehrlich

    CNC rpm & feed

    yes so 7mm in the z and 2.8mm in its horizontal moves. 2.8mm is hefty , okay in a softwood, you might need to dial that down in anything harder. looks pretty good apart from the tear out on top, either get yourself a compression bit or run a second op with a downcut bit. with a compression bit...