Recent content by Silken

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  1. Silken

    MDF Wardrobes

    These are custom build non-standard sizes, the unfinished part is to reduce cost. But I understand your point. It would be nice to consider buying pre-finished plywood, I am currently researching this, melamine faced.
  2. Silken

    MDF Wardrobes

    Materials for these cost about £150 ish, I recently priced up to make one two door and a single door wardrobes, just the materials worked out at £250, so you did get a good price. With Labour and workshop costs both units worked out at £650 build supply and fit.
  3. Silken

    MDF Wardrobes

    I only managed to get the once photo of these twin wardrobes, I built for my daughter. 18mm MDF with 6mm plywood back. No doors needed for this once as they are in a dressing room. Just out of curiosity! how much would you pay for a 2 door wardrobe made like these, simple rail no shelving...
  4. Silken

    Sold Jet 16-32 Drum Sander

    I have the same issue as you Brian, I would like one but no room, in fact I a bunch of stuff I need to sell myself. Sad though that's a nice sander, definitely a valuable piece of kit.
  5. Silken

    Mike Pekovich and his Muntins

    Mullions and muntin's are 2 separate parts of a Georgian window, Muntin's are the spars that separate the glassing panels from each other, whereas mullions are the columns that form the divisional supports between each glass group. So for a single panel window you have the head and sill the...
  6. Silken

    My next project

    Having a full size workbench is a luxury in a small workshop, I generally cut up board material outside first, using some portable plastic trestles. They work ok but I need something more substantial. I started to consider a design in my head that would not take up much room fold down and be on...
  7. Silken

    Garden project preparation for garden room

    Yes, leaf drop come autumn is an issue, fortunately my neighbour who has a fully mature sycamore tree has had it cut back this year, although I would have preferred it cut right back to the ground :ROFLMAO: I take what I can get. She is the only one who has made an effort. In the future I think...
  8. Silken

    Garden project preparation for garden room

    I wish, no just a good price,
  9. Silken

    Hello from the West Midlands

    Welcome, and remember we all started somewhere, as an old joiner friend once said, you only ever see the good work, if you look under my bench you will see all the failed attempts. Keep it simple, and practice I am sure you will do fine.
  10. Silken

    Current shed project

    You have certainly put a lot of thought into your carport and shed. Squeezing the shed in at the back, very efficient use of space. My only thoughts is with putting timber posts in the ground, even treated they will rot eventually, so the choice is concrete pad with treaded bar nut large washer...
  11. Silken

    End grain chopping board

    one of the amazing things about woodwork, is that there are so many aspects to it. Wood is such a versatile material and so many area's to woodwork to enjoy. I have watched a few video's on end grain chopping boards and they do look amazing, just like these.
  12. Silken

    Garden project preparation for garden room

    We only had to clear the rubbish, tree branches old fencing etc, filled a 7qubic yard skip with about 10 qy's of rubbish :ROFLMAO: @ £300 a pop it was going in. The actual ground was raised about 400mm or 16 inches on one side and dropped to about 600mm or 2 feet on the other, but it has a lot...
  13. Silken

    Thoughts on this furniture repair

    What a mess they made of that repair, looks like they gave it to the wood butcher. Clearly a specialists job, should look great once done correctly
  14. Silken

    Garden project preparation for garden room

    Yes, thanks, it has continued to develop over the past couple of years.
  15. Silken

    Garage Project

    I replaced the doors 3 years ago not long after we moved into our new home, as the up and over was more like a guillotine than a door. Last year I managed to pain out the area just temp for now. The garage workshop needs a new roof so I will insulate it, board the walls, level and create a...