I use MSM to find the best quotes, then go to the company direct using a different email address and get it even cheaper because they are not paying anything to MSM, win win
One point to remember, whilst the USA and Canada have a 110v system they do also have the ability to supply 240v for certain higher power needs, this I suspect what the lathe is designed for. Now the question is would a motor designed for 240v 60Hz run ok on out 230 (ish) 50Hz supply. I...
Hi all
Just wondering if anyone else has had issues with Aliexpress orders this week.
I have been buying from them for years without too much trouble, but this week I placed and order for about ten different items from ten different sellers. All items were dispatched and tracking started...
3M Cubitron 11 are the best discs I have ever used but difficult to find in stock in the UK, I got my last batch from an American seller so not cheap, not that they would be cheap if I could find a UK seller with stock.
You should investigate all the hidden costs of owning a EV
Insurance is significantly higher than IC
Should it go wrong repair cost are phenomenal with with no third party spares available everything has to come from a main dealer.
Should spares be needed you will find that they are rarer...
One of the main reasons for the wheel direction is so that the wheel movement pushes the workpiece into the tool rest, with it moving the other way it will pull the workpiece away from the tool rest.
So it's safer to do it the way all Grinders do it now.
FYI the Axminster 32mm wheel with their bush set fits the 40mm side of my Axminster Grinder, mine is a AW200WSG.
Another option might be to fit these bushes...
Given America's past history I suspect the winner will be obvious.
Will they vote for a psychopathic, corrupt, pathological lying Fascist or a Woman.
I wonder I wonder I wonder
Thanks for the link
But it's my understanding that these things only work with brushed motors, my grinder is a brushless induction motor, which apparently run a full speed even when fed with quite low voltage levels.
Unless you know different. ;) would love to hear it confirmed by anyone.
I contacted them for price and availability etc, but didn't get a reply, so that scrubbed them off my list.
I have been doing some more sharpening today, and now convinced my full speed grinder is not giving me any issues, so will be sticking with it. The CBN wheels I use are rated upto...
Thanks for all the most helpful replies.
Think I may as well stick to the one I have, especially taking into consideration what Pete said about the different speeds between the US and UK frequencies, that makes sense.
Hi all
I have been using a standard bench grinder, to sharpen my turning tools, but am aware that a slow speed one would be better suited, especially given that I am using CBN wheels.
Given that they are popular across the big pond with even budget models available, why are they are rare as...