Recent content by Phil Craddock

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  1. P


    I get mine from Boots but I agree that some chemists are not interested in selling them. I'm diabetic and inject every day, so I have a lot of disposable needles to get rid of but the chemist who supplies these needles and my insulin will not provide a sharps box!
  2. P

    Bandsaw Blades

    I've currently got one of the Tuff Saws super tuff vari tooth 3/4 tpi blades on my bandsaw, 3/4" width and was recommended by Ian at Tuff Saws for general use.
  3. P

    Osmo Polyx Oil Raw 3044 Advice

    I use Osmo UV Protection on outdoor wooden fencing and sheds etc frequently, as it's my preferred coating. However, even when using the Osmo Brush Cleaner, I still get knackered brushes after use. I now use a cheap synthetic brush each time and throw it away after use.
  4. P

    Sold Lie-Nielsen Boggs Flat Spokeshave

    I'll take that please Dave. Thanks, Phil
  5. P

    Sold Sjobergs 1900 Workbench for sale - Norfolk

    Can this be dismantled for transport in an estate car or would it need to be moved as it is?
  6. P

    Registering a trust with HMRC?

    Doug, I'm a retired financial adviser and it certainly can be complicated. This HMRC guide may be of some help to you.
  7. P

    Series 3: Britain's Best Woodworker

    Exactly. My wife told me that she is watching it, so it must be a game show...
  8. P

    Dry Oak.

    I would suggest a wax such as Fiddes Supreme.
  9. P

    Which wood for an outside box ?

    I did something similar using surplus featherboard fencing pales. It's used to hold garden tools but is out in the open and so far, it's been fine. Felted roof, sloping as you have suggested. Would certainly be a much cheaper option than some of the wood species mentioned.
  10. P

    Non toxic treatment for birdboxes

    Bare wood for me too, so it will be interesting to hear from anyone who successfully uses a treatment which doesn't put off the birds.
  11. P

    BLO not hardening: Options?

    Here's a UK based supplier in Suffolk, Ingilby Paints Limited. Although I haven't used their linseed oil paint, I have tried other products and very good they are too.
  12. P

    Union Jubilee advice

    Not all of them came with the foot pedal.
  13. P

    Sold Lie Nielsen No. 6 and Veritas LA jack.

    Adam, Interested in the LN no. 6, when you are ready. Cheers Phil
  14. P

    How do you identify wood?

    Anybody can be caught out on occasion, as wood from the same tree will often look so different. This is the pleasure in working with wood, perhaps more so on the lathe, when the inside grain patterns can be revealed. I can recall at the woodturning club, where lumps of wood were passed around...
  15. P

    Sold Record Power AC400 Air Filter

    Just to confirm that this has now been collected and is no longer available.