Recent content by PerryGunn

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  1. PerryGunn

    Repairing & Levelling Concrete Floor In New Workshop

    Coming at the problem from a slightly different angle... If you know where you want the heavy machines to be positioned, can you not make wooden forms and cast new, level, concrete pads (inc. mesh) in place? If they need to be tied into the existing floor you could run concrete bolts or resin...
  2. PerryGunn

    Workshop paint for interior ply lining

    I'd agree with Bulls Eye as a primer and then stick with Zinsser and apply a couple of coats of their PermaWhite - it's mould resistant and goes on nicely with brush or roller
  3. PerryGunn

    Countertop cutout fail and how to correct it?

    I'd qualify that by saying that it only applies to a 'normal' circular saw. If you have a track saw then plunge away, it's what they're designed to do. I'd do the majority of a cut out like this using a track saw and then just finish the corners where the cuts don't meet with a jigsaw or hand...
  4. PerryGunn

    Heads Up - Jumbo Blue Paper Towels £8.49 delivered using code:STEER15 I've just had some delivered. They're 16.5cm wide and about 17cm in diameter (appears to be wound about as tight as most others I've had) - so while not the widest, I'd say they're reasonable value. I've paid more for...
  5. PerryGunn

    Heads Up - Jumbo Blue Paper Towels

    Add the code STEER15 at checkout and it takes them down to £8.50 inc delivery
  6. PerryGunn

    Is there a definitive pillar drill - new or used - that is better than the Bosch PBD40 for the same money?

    If anyone wants to replace the wheel on the pdb40 with a 3-spoker, it appears that Amazon now sell one made by Ottertools
  7. PerryGunn

    And I chose Makita batteries...

    So @pe2dave all you really need to go along with your Makita batteries is two more badaptors - one for CAS and one for Ampshare and then you'll be able to use any of those tools ;)
  8. PerryGunn

    Is there a definitive pillar drill - new or used - that is better than the Bosch PBD40 for the same money?

    I used the Röhm Supra 871050 - and, yes, the old chuck wasn't the easiest thing to remove, I fitted a large hex key in the chuck (small end of the 'L' in the chuck) and then a steel tube over the other end for leverage. A couple of taps on the pipe with a hammer plus a lot of sweat and it...
  9. PerryGunn

    Is there a definitive pillar drill - new or used - that is better than the Bosch PBD40 for the same money?

    I have the PBD40 and, after a couple of mods, I'm very happy with it - I didn't like the wheel so replaced it with a 3-spoker - I was never happy with the chuck accuracy and mine wasn't very good at remaining tightly closed. So I replaced it with a Röhm Supra which is much better.
  10. PerryGunn

    18mm plywood + maximum groove depth

    They have other uses - I'm looking at putting one in my attic. Humping boxes, cases etc. up and down the loft ladder is becoming more of a pain in the coccyx as I get older and at about £150 for a hoist and cargo net, it's starting to look very tempting.
  11. PerryGunn

    18mm plywood + maximum groove depth

    You can save another 1mm if you want to, I've used the white version of these - only 7mm deep including the diffuser strip and I used dotless COB LED strips like these (you don't see the individual LEDs because they have...
  12. PerryGunn

    SDS drills and drill bits... and chisels

    as with all things, it depends upon how long your piece of string is... I have 3 'normal'* SDS drills... because I use them in different circumstances (and I'm a tool wh0re... :ROFLMAO: ) - Makita DHR263 36v, 2.5J impact - Makita DHR182 18v , 1.7J impact - Makita HR2450 240v, 2.4J impact All...
  13. PerryGunn

    Hard to pull nail...

  14. PerryGunn

    How to join Decking Board at 135°

    Biscuits, dowels (or Dominos if you've got the machine) with an external/waterproof glue for vertical alignment plus a flat galvanised (or stainless) plate underneath - if you're going to walk on them, you'll probably want additional supports underneath.
  15. PerryGunn

    Old nails

    You could try a slide hammer nail puller - supposed to be very effective once you get the hang of setting it