Recent content by paulrbarnard

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  1. paulrbarnard

    Hall stand in the making

    Looking forward to the full build. Great start.
  2. paulrbarnard

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    When you get really flat the size of the molecules start to be a problem.
  3. paulrbarnard

    EV owners - Car Tax

    Unless you are comparing the same model the comparison is not valid. The weight range of vehicles with the same size ICE is massive. A Mercedes usually weighs more than a Volkswagen for example. The videos I was referring to were direct conversions. They took the ICE out and put batteries in...
  4. paulrbarnard

    EV owners - Car Tax

    EV aren’t heavier than the equivalent ICE. Check out electric classics on YouTube they convert classic cars to electric and have videos of before and after weight. The conversions are often lighter than the original ICE. Cars in general are getting bigger and heavier.
  5. paulrbarnard

    EV owners - Car Tax

    You constantly say you’re not anti EV but keep coming to threads to knock them down. Doesn’t stack up for me… The child labour is real but it’s not because of lithium mines it’s because of poverty. They would be working just the same if they were mining coal. But probably not being paid as much.
  6. paulrbarnard

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    I do have one of those at home and it is a constant bone of contention…
  7. paulrbarnard

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    I prefer a laminated stainless for that. I have a dedicated orange pealing knife.
  8. paulrbarnard

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    That’s what I have in my laminated Japanese kitchen knife. The edge it takes is incredible. It has to be kept apart from the other knives in the drawer as it is so hard and prone to chipping. It makes preparing food a joy though.
  9. paulrbarnard

    Raising money for homeless veterans

    You have your £1000 target.
  10. paulrbarnard

    Raising money for homeless veterans

    Stig, Your sponsor link shows a different amount how short of the £1000 mark are you
  11. paulrbarnard

    These headlight 'cleaning' hacks....

    An excellent excuse to buy a Festool Rotax.
  12. paulrbarnard

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    I think you’ll find a serrated bit of steel is called a file. A common use of a file is to remove metal…
  13. paulrbarnard

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    I have some pretty exotic steel blades and need to resort to diamond stones for them. For day to day I have a couple of pocket sized combination diamond ceramic stones. Restraining the discussion to kitchen knives I have Sebatier carbon knives from 40 years ago, stainless versions from 30 years...
  14. paulrbarnard

    3D Letter Printing

    I use Simplify3D for my printing. I can independently scale in x, y and z. Why do you assume the Thingiverse models are wrong? Did you check? I was only offering a suggestion not a guarantee…
  15. paulrbarnard

    3D Letter Printing

    I assumed the font was the same just a different size so could be scaled from the STL The link you provide is for vehicles after 2001. As OP is talking classic bike, and I assume white on black number plate the specification is different...