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  1. O

    Polytunnel build - what sliding door hardware?

    Hi Alex, I'm afraid my experience with my polytunnel was not that good. Back in 2023 I bought a cheap 6m x 4m cheap Chinese polytunnel, which I strengthened by building a square wooden frame at either end. Within one of square frame ends I built a door. These Chinese things usually just come...
  2. O

    Food Resistant Finish

    Have a look at Osmo TopOil (high solid). I used it on a number of large platters, which contained food.
  3. O

    Fresh conifer logs

    If they are Leylandii, then think about turning them them green. Leylandii has a lovely grain structure, is easy to turn, resistant to cracking. You could get about 10 or 12 small bowls out of those logs.
  4. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Hi Stig, CA glue is my chosen 'stiffener' for punky wood, but is expensive. I'm going to give the Ronseal Wet Rot wood hardener a whirl, i'll let you know how I get on.
  5. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Hi Katomi, that is some failure, given the thickness of the lantern wall. Am I right in thinking you were boring two large holes through the lantern at 90 deg to each other? If so, I could possibly see why the failure could have occurred. It seems that you were boring across two different wood...
  6. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    These are a couple of matching(well not quite!) squat vases i turned from some Alder that had come down in Storm 'I can't remember' about 5 years ago. The wood was very very punky and no amount of razor-shape tools or sanding would remove the tear-out. So to stabilise the piece and infill any...
  7. O

    Bunch of Stanley planes for sale

    A vintage Bailey No.7 at £45? Ridiculously under-priced! A vintage Bailey No.4/5 at £195? Ridiculously over-priced!
  8. O

    Japanning Recommendations

    To be honest I thought I would stink the kitchen out but I could hardly smell anything. Ok I had a look through some of my old notes and found the recipe I used. Asphaltum 30%, Turps 50%, Boiled Linseed Oil 20%. Once you have made the mixture apply and leave for one hour. Check your oven trays...
  9. O

    Japanning Recommendations

    I've done Japanning a couple of times on a Bailey No.7 c1907 and No.6 c1899 I would love to give you the 'recipe' I used, but it is long forgotten. Except I think I ended up using a combination of ingredients from various recipes. The main ingredient however is Asphaltum which was easy to get...
  10. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    This is a Yarn Bowl I turned from a fallen Alder downed in Storm Darrigh. It is the 'Sister' bowl of the bowl I recently posted around Christmas/ New Year on how I approach cutting/turning drying green wood from start to finish
  11. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Stig, try making your own. I use Diatomaceous Earth, comes in a tub which will last for centuries! You can even eat the stuff!! There are 'tons of vids on utube giving the recipe. Here is just one
  12. O

    Anyway to avoid this splitting

    The two big issues you have with turning 'green' wood is a) Avoiding the pith and has others have said 9 times out of ten you will develop radial cracks. The only wood where you can get away with leaving the pith in (most of the times) is by using Lleylandii b) Wet wood needs to dry out if it is...
  13. O

    Evri....or is it?!

    Your right, whether Evil or Herpes, still the same poor service
  14. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    In continuation of my earlier post re: how I process a recently felled section of Alder trunk into a bowl, for those who have never done this before... Ok, so the roughly turned bowl had been nice and warm in the wood kiln for the last 6 or 7 days; I could have taken it out earlier, but with...
  15. O

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    In continuation of my earlier post re: how I process a recently felled section of Alder trunk into a bowl, for those who have never done this before... Ok, so for the next stage, we have two main objectives; the first is getting the piece ‘into round’ and second turning a tenon or a mortice...