Recent content by M_Chavez

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  1. M

    Any tips for turning padauk

    Padauk is quite nice & easy to turn in my experience. Maybe the tools have gone blunt?
  2. M


    We need an AI solution to sharpening tools. Especially them card scrapers.
  3. M

    Sharpening amongst other things

    Traditionally, afaik, the micro bevel is put on the chisel blade freehand, which results in a slightly "rounded" shape. It's still a micro bevel, even if the act of putting it onto a blade is not made into a cult.
  4. M

    Sharpening amongst other things

    It looks to me like they have a piece of leather glued to the wheel. I might be wrong. It must work for them if they are doing this way, and there's nothing wrong about it, but I'd like to see 'em take a 0.2mm cut off something dense, like bubinga or ebony with that blade:p "Sharpening" comes...
  5. M

    Sharpening amongst other things

    Hmmm.... I think they are stropping on the wheel, not sharpening. Unless I've missed the sharpening bit. ...And if they are sharpening, then why are they sharpening when they just need to strop?:unsure:
  6. M

    Bandsaws - best of the budget?

    Very true. A decade ago it took me about 10 months to hunt down a good quality 14" bandsaw (old Axminster Grizzly clone) that was within my budget, but keeping an eye on gumtrees, facebooks and other local ads might be your best bet. I had to do a fair bit of repair & maintenance to get it...
  7. M

    DML24 tailstock alignment

    Thank you for the advice. Tailstock will hold taps, dies, reamers, drill bits, with the work held in a headstock chuck. Currently I've got an old cheapo jacobs chuck that's got runout of its own, but I've just invested into a set of ER32 collets, a threaded collet chuck for the headstock and an...
  8. M

    What is this tool used for and what is it called?

    I've got a decent sized reamer myself, but this monster is in a different league. Wow. Something as big as this will definitely be worth a few quid.
  9. M

    DML24 tailstock alignment

    Ok, thanks both. I've cleaned & re-assembled the lathe, rotated the bars. Now it's aligned within about 0.5mm according to mk1 eyeball. Who would have thought that assembling something according to the user manual will improve its performance! I'll hold on with filing for now and see is this...
  10. M

    DML24 tailstock alignment

    Ok. got the headstock off. Don't think I've had it off before. It has the same mounting arrangement as the tailstock - two feet on the back rails and one on the front. The single foot on the headstock is in perfect condition, while the single foot on the tailstock is worn. Suspect this is the...
  11. M

    DML24 tailstock alignment

    Hmm... Wasn't aware of that. "Thread the tailstock bolt through a square strap and up through the hole in the headstock. Arrange for the two contact points of the square strap to clamp on to the front bed tube, and the single contact point to clamp on the back bed tube." Mine are the other way...
  12. M

    DML24 tailstock alignment

    Thank you very much. I had a similar thought - whether the bars were slightly ground at the top by the tailstock moving in and out, which shaved off some of their height. There's clearly some wear on the bottom of the tailstock, which I suspect is the main culprit. I've put a straight edge to...
  13. M

    DML24 tailstock alignment

    Hi All, I've got an old and battered DML24 that I've been using for an odd turning job and for making chessmen. I appreciate the lathe is entry-level at best, but so far it's done everything I wanted it to do. I would now like to tick off penturning from my bucket list, and I need better...
  14. M

    Mini table saw?

    Stewmac blade seems a bit pricy. I got my from some German shop for about £60 (that was a good ten years ago...adjust for inflation) and the guy had a selection of kerfs for different fret wire. Can't recall the shop name and no guarantee that he's still in business, but do shop around...
  15. M

    Veneering curves

    Thank you - some handy tips and ideas there.