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  1. K

    Collection of 3d printing files relevant for woodworking

    M33 3.5 thread protector.
  2. K

    TV Headphones recommendations

    I have never experierienced a lag with any of the many Bluetooth headphones I've used over years of using them. Even the cheap ones.
  3. K

    TV Headphones recommendations

    Another one here (hear) for the Anker Soundcore but mine are Q20. I got mine cheap but I don't know if it was half price. Telly picks them up automatically and can pause playback from controls on right earpiece. Easy to switch to mobile phone for music, books and calls.
  4. K

    Collection of 3d printing files relevant for woodworking

    I made these three dovetail mounting plates a few weeks ago. A nice practice project for me on an engineer lathe. So now I've designed three centring disks and wall holders.
  5. K

    Found Rear tote for No. 5 1/2

    The grains are all running in the same direction. In this instance, both kinds of wood have different grain sizes and make-up. This combined with the glue makes the handle much stronger and less likely to split as regular handles do. This will also work if you take a piece of timber, saw it in...
  6. K

    Found Rear tote for No. 5 1/2

  7. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Three 'andles. L-R a fancy, waxy hardwood from a rescued lorry bearer, Ebony with correction fluid rings and UV resin rings and Hawthorne
  8. K

    Post a pic of something you have recycled

    The Bowls were a pair made in Accrington where I understand, years ago, most UK Bowls and snooker balls were made. I bought this pair for £5 at a car boot but on most occasions, they go for £10-£20 a pair. I removed the two plastic inserts from each bowl to find a nice convenient centre point...
  9. K

    Post a pic of something you have recycled

    It is quite white especially when you compare it to my Ash bowl on the Last Thing You Turned post. They are from different Ash trees. Maybe they are different Ash types.
  10. K

    Post a pic of something you have recycled

    I've shown this in another post. Two mallets made from Green Bowls from a car-boot and Ash handles from the blokes' tree across the road.
  11. K

    Cbn grinding wheels

    If you have the cash for a CBN wheel go for it. I hear good things about them. I've been turning for many years and just today on two large bowls I have gone to my 25 year old 120 grit white wheel easily ten times just today. In that time my twenty-odd year old Record bowl gouges have lost more...
  12. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Two large Walnut bowls (one oiled one waxed) with cracks, a large Ash bowl - with cracks and a large Cedar bowl where my maker's stamp burned through. The Ash and Cedar bowls were the last bowls I turned on my Record CL3 which is now dismantled ready for sale and The Walnuts are the first bowls...
  13. K

    Cole Jaws

    There is also the camping mat method but you will still need tall support. Early Andy Phillip videos show examples of how to use them.
  14. K

    Cole Jaws

    You could use actual rubber door stops but taper down.
  15. K

    Katsu 1/4 trim router for router table

    I have a Katsu router. Had it for a few years. Only for light use though. I bought a couple of spare holders/mounts which makes it a doddle to change its use from hand-held to the holder permanently table-mounted. I do have another permanently mounted 1/2" which I last used about two years ago...