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  1. Jonzjob

    wolverine sharpening roughing gauge

    Well, we live and we learn, so thank you Phil. I had (now won't) been doing the quench routine. For about 25 or more years now I have, but I don't let the tools get toooo hot anyway. I will be showing my Men's Shed members some sharpening ways in the near future and the way I can imagine the...
  2. Jonzjob

    wolverine sharpening roughing gauge

    Why don't you quench HSS? On the One Way system it's as easy to use either of the attachments. All you have to do is get the correct angle on either.
  3. Jonzjob

    Mini Sanding Discs For Bowl Sanders

    I have always gone to Richard Findley at The Turners Workshop and got his Rhynogrip. Just cut to square.It's great and Richard is always very helpful.
  4. Jonzjob

    wolverine sharpening roughing gauge

    I have recently had to go through and sharpen all of the donated gouges, skews and the flat work joinery chisles at the Men's Shed I belong to and the best way I found to get a straight edge on the roughing gouge was to do a careful grind with the goiuge at 90º to the wheel using the adjustable...
  5. Jonzjob

    carroll tools drum sander

    After 6 years has anyone heard back from Simon about setting up the business again?
  6. Jonzjob

    Gluing material together

    That's fine Phil, but don't take them out to anywhere around Singapore mate or they are likely to fall to bits like wot the Mossies started to do :eek: The glues they used on the Wooden Wonder started to fail under the hot and humid conditions. Serious for a few moments. Once you have mixed up...
  7. Jonzjob

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    I like the coffee grounds idea. I had heard of it but forgot all about it. The bowl is lpvely and a really nice finish This is the forst ply bowl I did. Just 2 bits of 1" ply glued together before I knew about making them from a plank This is the second one from a 3' length of ply tongue...
  8. Jonzjob

    New bandsaw choice

    Not really possible to do that on this one Phil as it would nul the warranty. My Startrite is just moved up/down by hand and the blade guides are metal blocks that have never given me problems. It will cut veneer thin slices all day too no matter how thick the wood is. All done with that ¼" 6...
  9. Jonzjob

    New bandsaw choice

    I have been very happy with my Startrite 301S for the past 30 years. A lot of schools had them so they had to be good and strong! I set mine up properly with a good blade and have not had any problems apart from having to replace the motor capacitor once. Also, contrary to most thinking, I have...
  10. Jonzjob

    Tips & Tricks

    Glad to hear that you are OK K. Very scary mate. I don't have a planer, only the ones you push or fly by radio control and have never seen the need for me. But if you want scary then you should try being a safety officer in a Men's Shed :eek: . I now have grey hair, but to be fair I've been...
  11. Jonzjob

    Nifty trick needed!

    A slight deviation on the original, but I have made several angle poise type lamps and when I want the hole down the middle I cut the wooden shaft in ½ and route the hole out using a round top bit. Then it's glued back together and the hole is always down the centre If you can see the join...
  12. Jonzjob

    Cleaning CBN wheels

    I have both an Axi CBN wheel and one of their cleaning blocks. I was silly enough to be sharpening a steel tool with some aluminium on it and the ali hit the wheel at one point when I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been. I tried to clean it with a hard rubber abrasive cleaning...
  13. Jonzjob

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    We have a table similar to yours, but a bit smaller. I just turned it upside down on the vinyl and drew round it.
  14. Jonzjob

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    The one that went BANG started similar to this one And would have finished up similar to this one in walnut, oak and ash A lot easier than segmenting me-thinks.
  15. Jonzjob

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Ah, but Stig that is what that is really. The raggidy bits round the 'ole are a special feature to filter the scraggy bits out. I didn't mention that as I assumed that everyone would see that 😎:rolleyes: