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  1. H

    Skirting issues help

    Hi, You need to use a filler that isn't water based, something like Ronseal(green tin) that is a resin type like car body filler, with the 2 parts to mix together, also available from Toolstation although a bit more money and it sands very easily. Also, today's water based paints don't help...
  2. H

    Advice drilling 32mm holes in 80mm joists

    Hi, I know that one answer mentioned fitting battens to the underside ? This is the route I would recommend but using 2 x 2 (50mm x 50mm) timber which is actually 47mm if you were to use kiln dried CLS timber to minimise any deviation/bumps/hollows - but you will no doubt still need to pack in...
  3. H

    Evolution SMS210 sliding mitre saw - a small problem is a big issue for me!

    In fact, thinking further back in my life - been a site carpenter all my life (32 years on the tools now a site manager since 2012) my old Elu chopsaw I used to screw every day to my Richmond work bench(B&D copy) along with a couple of record rollers and never had an issue and from memory I only...
  4. H

    Evolution SMS210 sliding mitre saw - a small problem is a big issue for me!

    Hi, I have my Dewalt chop saw screwed directly to 18mm ply with 5 gauge screws and if the ply is slightly bigger than the footprint of the saw you can then screw that to your bench/stand You could use smaller bolts if you'd prefer instead of screws but I've always used screws for ease. You could...
  5. H

    Wide alcove shelves

    Hi I'd use 12mm threaded bar propped level and square and chem fixed into presuming brick wall(sticking out as far to suit shelf depth, mine are 300mm out) - chem fix doesn't take long to go off/set. Drill oversized hole in the shelf to allow for any wander when drilling and again chem fix and...
  6. H

    Cabinet material for outdoor kitchen?

    Hi, How about stainless Steel catering type units 🤔 You can get base and wall units and a unit with integral sink if needed ? Link attached purely as an example but loads available from various "catering" suppliers - maybe worth a thought ...
  7. H

    Handrail brackets

    Hi Apologies for my Victor Meldrew approach last time, you were correct that I didn't fully read your post, I just jumped in thinking I can help here and I found that Supplier took a screenshot and posted it. In future I will fully read any post I respond to. Again I'm very sorry and hope you...
  8. H

    Handrail brackets

    Well, I wish you all the luck expecting help/advice with an attitude like you have. Unbelievable !!
  9. H

    Handrail brackets

    Sorry for wasting my time in trying to help
  10. H

    Handrail brackets

    Hi Kilian Hardware ship internationally and seems a good price but didn't go into cost of postage etc. Link attached - and screenshot hopefully 🤔 Hope this helps !
  11. H

    Howie65 - new member

    Hi Michael What a coincidence but I'm afraid it hasn't got a sticker from your Grandfather's shop. I've looked at all those downloads on that site and also emailed them asking about my specific model but they haven't got back to me yet (2wks), I called to check if they received my email to be...
  12. H

    Startrite SP147 ?

    Hi all New to all this as I've recently purchased a Startrite bandsaw from Ebay. I've been a Carpenter all my life - 32 years on the tools and last 11 years in site management to follow in my father's footsteps so to speak. In process of building a workshop in my garden so I can start creating -...
  13. H

    Howie65 - new member

    Hi Thanks for your welcome from you both. Yes, it's old - I assumed it was about 30 but never dreamt it was 70 plus. It seems to work ok although I need new blades which I've ordered from Tuffsaws, Ian is a very helpful chap and my nieve questions to him were answered with upmost courtesy and...
  14. H

    Howie65 - new member

    Hi all New to all this as I've recently purchased a Startrite bandsaw from Ebay. I've been a Carpenter all my life - 32 years on the tools and last 11 years in site management to follow in my father's footsteps so to speak. In process of building a workshop in my garden so I can start creating...